Geneva, 25 November 2024
Dear guests,
Dear compatriots,
This year marks the 112th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence and the 80th anniversary of Liberation Day.
I am honoured that we are gathered today to mark a remarkable day for Albania and the Albanian people. On 28 November we celebrate the Independence Day and on 29 November we celebrate the Liberation Day.
We commemorate the sacrifices and invaluable (contribution of our patriots and national heroes to protect our homeland, language and national identity.
After liberation, Albania consolidated its independence, but unfortunately the country isolated itself from the democratic world for 45 years. The communist regime is a dark chapter for the Albanian nation which denied the fundamental freedoms and human rights.
In 1990 Albania embarked in a long journey of transition, embracing democracy and freedom.
Although Albania is a small country, it has shown that it can convey great messages to the world through its hospitality, humanity generosity and solidarity deeply rooted in its culture and tradition. During World War II, Albania provided shelter and security to Jewish families. In 2021, Albania provided shelter to Afghans who fled from the horrors of the Taliban’s return to power.
I would like to proudly quote the Nobel Prize winner, of Albanian descent, Mother Teresa “We cannot all do great things, but we can do small things with great love”.
Although only 3 decades have passed since Albania emerged from the communist isolation, Albania has made extraordinary progress in its journey towards market economy, democracy and human rights.
Albania is a factor of peace and stability in the region and beyond. As a member of the Council of Europe, it demonstrates commitment to the promotion and protection of democracy, the rule of law and human rights.
As e member of NATO, Albania alongside with its partners and allies has worked to defend peace and security. Albania’s 2020 OSCE Chairmanship demonstrated our significant contribution to multilateral diplomacy and regional security.
66 years after joining the UN, Albania in 2022 was a non-permanent member of Security Council and gave its contribution for peace and stability.
Albania was among the first countries to adopt the “Delivering as One” framework and has aligned its national priorities with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
During its first term and during the current term as member of the Human Rights Council, Albania has demonstrated its strong commitment to contribute to the strengthening of the UN Human Rights system. Albania is committed and actively working in protecting and promoting human rights for all individuals and without discrimination.
Albania’s European perspective is more tangible and on the way to becoming a reality. Thanks to Albania’s commitment and dedication to continue the path towards the united European family, Albania has opened the first group chapters for the European Union accession process on October 15, 2024.
Dear guests,
In 2025, the world will mark the 80th anniversary of the end of the Second World War. Unfortunately, we are witnesses of many conflicts in different regions of the world, from the brutal Russia’s aggression in Ukraine, the conflict in the Middle East and its humanitarian consequences and other conflicts around the world which have devastating impact and affects millions of people.
This anniversary represents an opportunity to reflect on enhancing multilateralism, to work together to ensure lasting peace, alleviate human suffering and ensure respect for human dignity and human rights.
Dear Guests
Albania has turned into one of the main attractions in the world in 2023, being ranked among the countries that received the largest number of tourists. The naturel beauties, the mountains, the coast, the Albanian cuisine and hospitality have increased year by year the number of tourists.
For all of you who have not yet visited Albania, we invite you to follow small parts of the Albanian beauties that appear on the monitors, and we welcome you in Albania.
On the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the Liberation of Albania, we invite you to visit the photo exhibition from the National Liberation Anti-Fascist War each is in my left side.
Dear guests,
Allow me to express my gratitude to my compatriots who honour and exalt the name of Albania in the countries where they live. They embody and preserve the values and culture of their nation and are the best ambassadors of Albania in the world. Allow me to say some words in Albanian Language.
Të nderuar motra dhe vëllezër,
Më lejoni të shpreh nga thellësia e zemrës mirënjohjen më të thellë për të gjithë bashkatdhetaret dhe bashkëatdhetarët që nderojnë dhe lartësojnë emrin e Shqipërisë në vendet ku jetojnë dhe punojnë. Mirënjohje dhe respekt për secilin/secilën prej jush për kontributin që jepni në organizatat dhe intitucionet ku punoni dhe në shoqërinë zvicerane. Në emër të Misionit dhe të timin personal ju uroj Gëzuar festat e 28-29 Nëntorit!
Last but not least, I would like to express my gratitude to the University of Culture of Geneva and Ms. Albana Krasniqi, to the quartet and Mrs. Fjola Iseini, as well as to the artist, Mr. Naim Demi and his colleagues that enable us today to experience a little bit of Albania through food, music and traditional costumes.
I thank you all for your presence today.
Ju falënderoj të gjithëve për praninë tuaj!