Mr. President,
Albania welcomes the delegation of North Macedonia and thanks them for the presentation of their national report.
We commend the country for its engagement and constructive cooperation with international human rights mechanisms. We recognize the significant legislative progress made in promoting and protecting human rights and strengthening the rule of law.
We note the efforts made to strengthen and make justice more efficient.
We note positively the reference in the national report to the implementation of the Ohrid Framework Agreement, of which part of the conclusions of the public debates on the Agreement have been transposed into draft laws. In this context, we also welcome the creation of the Ministry of Political System and Intercommunity Relations and encourage it to intensify its efforts for the effective implementation of the Ohrid Framework Agreement, as a guarantee of the construction of a democratic, functional, and multi-ethnic society, firmly based on the rule of law.
We commend North Macedonia for the steps taken to improve its legislation on gender-based violence GBV by ratifying and implementing the Istanbul Convention. The adoption of the law on prevention and protection against discrimination is also to be welcomed. However, problems remain and are mainly linked to domestic violence against women and access to services for victims.
In a constructive spirit, Albania recommends:
- Continue the adoption of legislative measures and provide sufficient funding to combat all forms of violence against women ;
- Continue the effective implementation of the Law relating to the use of languages;
- Continue awareness campaigns to combat all forms of discrimination;
Thank you.