The Albanian Delegation at the 53rd Session of the Human Rights Council delivered the following statements:
HRC53 – Item 2: EID on Afghanistan with SR and WG on discrimination against women and girls
Geneva, 19 June 2023
National Statement delivered by
Ms. Amanda VRANA
First Secretary at the Permanent Mission of Albania in Geneva
Mr. President,
Albania thanks the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Afghanistan and the Working Group on Discrimination against Women and Girls for presenting this very important report.
The situation of women and girls in Afghanistan is unprecedented. Albania has been vocal in expressing its concern as the de facto authorities relentlessly pursue their systematic discrimination against women and girls. The aim of the Taliban’s persecution of women and girls has been clear: to erase women and girls from the social, economic, and political life of their country. The courage, resilience, and strength of Afghan women, who continue to stand up for their fundamental rights – including their freedom of expression, freedom from discrimination and freedom of movement, the rights to peaceful assembly and education – and bravely denounce the regime’s brutality, is humbling.
Albania reiterates its full support for the work of the High Commissioner and his Office, the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Afghanistan, and other relevant mandate holders and mechanisms, for their continued attention to the situation of women and girls in Afghanistan, for giving voice to their plight, for documenting the violations and abuses of their rights and paving the way for the accountability.
I thank you.
HRC53 – Item 3: ID – Report of the Independent Expert on protection against violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity
Geneva, 21 June 2023
National Statement delivered by
Ms. Amanda VRANA
First Secretary at the Permanent Mission of Albania in Geneva
Mr. President,
Albania welcomes the report of the Independent Expert on protection against violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. We reiterate our full support for the mandate.
We note with concerns that LGBT and other gender-diverse persons face a series of prejudicial and discriminatory actions, accompanied by a language of hatred and violence. It is unacceptable that religion is misused as an excuse for violence against people because of their sexual orientation or gender identity, as well as for imposing restrictive measures based on gender identity.
The fundamental rights and freedoms of individuals should be guaranteed for all people without distinction or discrimination of any kind, including sexual orientation and expression of gender identity. Albania concurs with the recommendations of the Independent Expert report on the importance of creating a safe environment in which all persons who manifest their religion or belief, including LGBT and other gender-diverse persons, are free from fear of violence and discrimination.
Albania has developed a comprehensive National Action Plan on LGBT Rights, to promote inclusivity, raise awareness, and increase the social acceptance of LGBTI persons, focusing on stronger measures against discrimination and hate crimes.
Albania would like to express its appreciation for the outstanding efforts and valuable work of the Independent Expert, Mr. Victor Madrigal on advancing the agenda on the protection against violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.
I thank you.
HRC53 – Item 3: Interactive Dialogue with WG on discrimination against women and girls
Geneva, 22 June 2023
National Statement delivered by
Ms. Amanda VRANA
First Secretary at the Permanent Mission of Albania in Geneva
Mr. President,
Albania thanks the Working Group on Discrimination against Women and Girls for their report.
Despite efforts and many positive developments, unfortunately, inequalities persist. Reducing socioeconomic inequalities is crucial for effectively combating poverty and ensuring human rights for all.
Albania is committed to promoting gender equality and combat discrimination. We have adopted national policies and normative frameworks on equality between women and men, to ensure equal opportunities in various spheres of life, including education, employment, and participation in decision-making processes.
The National Strategy for Gender Equality 2021-2030 clearly reflects the priority and special attention that the Government of Albania pays to achieve gender equality, by considering women and girls’ adequate treatment as prerequisites to sustainable development.
Albania appreciates the comprehensive and clear recommendations of the Working Group and notes their call on the importance of a feminist and human rights-based approach to poverty eradication and inequality, and the role of the economy in supporting human dignity and well-being.
I thank you.
HRC53 – Item 3: ID with Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty
Geneva, 30 June 2023
National Statement delivered by
Ms. Amanda VRANA
First Secretary at the Permanent Mission of Albania in Geneva
Thank you, Mr. President,
Albania welcomes the focus of this report on the importance of introducing a job guarantee scheme as a pathway to ensure the full realization of the right to work, transforming it from a policy objective into an enforceable legal right.
Albania has implemented important policies that support equitable growth, raise productivity and competitiveness in the economy, create more jobs, and improve governance and public service delivery.
The government of Albania has paid special attention to enhancing employment -especially for youth and vulnerable groups- improving the technical vocational education and training system, empowering women, and strengthening the social protection system.
The new economic environment that we face needs clear and integrated labour market policies. Albania is developing the new National Employment and Skills Strategy (2023-2030) to address the current and future challenges of the labour market. The new Strategy aims at developing effective and inclusive employment support programs and ensuring decent work for all.
To conclude, Albania commends the Special Rapporteur for his work and reiterates its full support for the mandate.
I thank you
HRC53– Item 4: ID with Special Rapporteur on human rights in Belarus
Geneva, 4 July 2023
National Statement delivered by
Ms. Amanda VRANA
First Secretary at the Permanent Mission of Albania in Geneva
Thank you, Mr. President,
Albania welcomes the report of the Special Rapporteur on the human rights situation in Belarus and shares the concerns highlighted in the report on the ongoing systematic violations of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the country.
We note with deep concern the findings of the report on the deteriorated situation of human rights, especially on the attacks against civil society, human rights defenders, and independent media. Regrettably, the situation has deteriorated on freedom of expression, with continued repression toward non-government-controlled media and the continuing persecution of journalists, bloggers, and media workers, in particular those reporting on human rights violations.
As the report highlights Belarus has taken a step backward in the fulfilment of its obligations under binding human rights instruments. We call on Belarus to uphold its international obligations and comply with international human rights law, follow up and implement the recommendations of the UPR, and ensure the full implementation of all recommendations made by United Nations human rights mechanisms.
Albania echoes and fully supports all the recommendations addressed to the Belarusian authorities from the Special Rapporteur and supports the work of accountability mechanisms with a view to ensuring justice for the victims.
Albania fully supports the work of the United Nations human rights mechanisms and the resolution for the extension of the mandate of the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Belarus for a period of one year.
I thank you.
HRC52 Item 4: Interactive Dialogue with the Independent International Fact-Finding Mission on the Islamic Republic of Iran
Geneva, 5 July 2023
National Statement delivered by
Ms. Amanda VRANA
First Secretary at the Permanent Mission of Albania in Geneva
Thank you, Mr. President,
Albania thanks the Independent International Fact-Finding Mission on the Islamic Republic of Iran for the oral update. Albania shares the concern expressed by the Fact-Finding Mission on the ongoing deterioration of the human rights situation in the country.
Peaceful protests and legitimate demands for fundamental change continue to be met with brutal government force, resulting in hundreds of deaths and tens of thousands of arbitrary arrests.
We remain deeply concerned about the continuing and increasing violations of human rights in Iran, especially for women and girls. Women continue to be deprived of fundamental rights and are the targets of the worst forms of systematic discrimination and violence. The deliberate poisoning of thousands of schoolgirls in Iran’s major cities is shocking.
Albania stands in solidarity with the brave Iranian women in their demands to exercise their fundamental rights and freedoms free from fear and reprisals. We reiterate our full support for the Fact-Finding Mission and thank the members for their commitment to their mandate to investigate and document alleged human rights violations in Iran, thus paving the way to accountability and justice for the victims.
I thank you.
HRC53– Item 4: ID on the oral update of the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the situation of human rights in the Syrian Arab Republic
Geneva, 05 July 2023
National Statement delivered by
Ms. Amanda VRANA
First Secretary at the Permanent Mission of Albania in Geneva
Thank you, Mr. President,
Albania welcomes the oral update of the Commission of Inquiry and commends the Commissioners for their tireless work.
We remain deeply concerned about the dire humanitarian situation in Syria, for the millions of children, women, and men who continue to suffer in this 12-year-long conflict. Syrians continue to face massive displacement and severe economic crisis; thousands of people have disappeared, arbitrarily detained, and deprived of their fundamental rights and freedoms. Millions of refugees have been forced to flee the country.
We are concerned about the findings of the Commission of Inquiry regarding the ongoing sexual and gender-based violence. Justice for victims, fighting impunity, and ensuring accountability for the crimes committed are fundamental for Syria to move toward sustainable peace and reconciliation.
Albania welcomes the decision to establish the Independent Institution on Missing Persons, as an important mechanism to respond to the missing persons crisis in Syria, a mechanism that gives hope and support to families searching for their missing loved ones.
I thank you.
HRC53 – Item 10: ID on the oral update by the High Commissioner on Ukraine and on the report of the Secretary-General on the situation of human rights in Crimea
Geneva, 12 July 2023
National Statement delivered by
Ms. Amanda VRANA
First Secretary at the Permanent Mission of Albania in Geneva
Thank you Mr. President,
We thank the High Commissioner for the in-depth update on the developments in Ukraine and for his efforts to document the reality of the human rights situation on the ground.
As clearly documented in the report of the Secretary-General, the human rights situation in Ukraine has further deteriorated, as a result of the unjustified full-scale invasion of Ukraine by Russia and the subsequent occupation of additional parts of Ukrainian territory.
The alarming findings on the numerous violations of human rights – including torture, ill-treatment, enforced disappearances, and arbitrary detentions of civilians, including men, women, children, and elderly persons- highlight once more the need to ensure accountability for the serious crimes committed and ensure justice for all victims.
The aggression committed by Russia is much more than an attack on Ukraine. It is an attack on the rules-based international order. Russia must uphold its international obligations and comply with international human rights law and international humanitarian law.
We echo the call to support human rights defenders who work for the protection of human rights in Crimea and to facilitate unimpeded access to Crimea by international and regional human rights monitoring mechanisms.
Albania stands in solidarity with the people of Ukraine. We reiterate our firm position not to recognize any territories acquired by force and their attempted annexation and express our unwavering support for the sovereignty, independence, and territorial integrity of Ukraine, within its internationally recognized borders.
I thank you.