Geneva, 22 January 2025
Albania joined the Global Alliance to End Statelessness.
Albania will contribute to ongoing efforts to ensure that every individual enjoys the right to a nationality without discrimination and to uphold the rights of stateless persons.
Albania recognizes the fundamental importance of protecting the rights of stateless persons. Albania is committed to ending statelessness and will continue its efforts to strengthen the legal framework designed to protect the rights of stateless persons.
Albania has made significant efforts to address statelessness. Albania has participated in the #IBelong Campaign to End Statelessness, launched by UNHCR.
At the 2019 High-Level Segment on Statelessness and Global Refugee Forums in 2019 and 2023, Albania pledged to take concrete actions to eliminate statelessness, demonstrating its commitment to the Campaign’s objectives.
Joining the Alliance will enable Albania to contribute actively to the ongoing efforts to ensuring that every individual enjoys the rights to a nationality without discrimination and to uphold the rights of stateless people.