Mr. President,
Albania thanks the Special Representative for the briefing and her report.
Albania commends the Special Representative for her efforts and engagement with various actors at the global, regional, and national levels to advocate for the prevention and elimination of all forms of violence against children. We concur with her considerations on the importance of intensifying global actions to ensure the protection of all children regardless of their status.
Albania appreciates the special focus in your report on the protection of children in the move in times of crisis. The alarming data on violence against children is a wake-up call for all of us to take more action and revitalize our efforts to protect children around the world, guided by the best interest of the child.
Albania remains committed to reinforcing the child protection system by enhancing legislative and policy frameworks related to ensuring the protection of all children. We have adopted laws and policies that aim to guarantee the rights of unaccompanied foreign children and to guarantee them the best possible protection.
To conclude, we commend and express full support to the Special Representative for her work in advancing the agenda on the prevention and elimination of all forms of violence against children.
Thank you.