World Health Assembly – Agenda Items 11.1 and 11.2
Thank you Mr.Chair
Albanian aligns itself with the statement delivered by Belgium on behalf of EU member states and would like to thank the Director General for the report.
Albanian new National Health Strategy 2021-2030 foresees important pillars, focusing on:
Investing in the health of the population through the life course approach, progress towards universal health coverage, strengthening an integrated health system, the response to emergency services and mental health, and strengthening primary health care services.
This strategy focuses on the integrated models of health care services. It also promotes changes in the delivery of medical care (both outpatient and inpatient care), rehabilitation, and nursing care.
For my country remains crucial the Universal Health Coverage, health security, addressing and promoting the health and well-being of the population. Addressing health determinants and reducing risk factors for communicable diseases and non-communicable diseases, through multispectral action, promoting a healthy foundation and for Health in all policies.
Albania counts on WHO’s commitment to provide technical assistance to strengthen the country’s capacity in data management and innovation.
We recognize that mental health and psychosocial well-being are critical to the survival, recovery, and daily functioning of people affected by armed conflicts, natural and human-caused disasters and health and other emergencies, to their enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms and their access to protection and assistance;
Albania would like to thank the Netherlands and Ukraine for proposing the resolution “Strengthening mental health and psychosocial support before, during and after armed conflicts, natural and human-caused disasters and health and other emergencies” which we fully support and we would like to ask the Committee to add Albania in the list of co- sponsors of the resolution.
Thank you