47 Session of UPR
Adoption of the Report for Albania
8 November 2024
Thank you, Mr. President.
We would like to express our appreciation to the Albanian Troika, composed of the Missions of Bulgaria, Ghana and Japan, as well as to the Secretariat, for drafting the report that was adopted today. Thanks also go to the services of the interpreters; without their work our languages would be silent.
Albania would like to thank the Member States for their sincere engagement during the UPR review of Albania. We would particularly like to thank the many delegations that made recommendations and submitted questions in advance.
Mr. President, Dear Colleagues,
Let me reiterate here Albania’s commitment to considering each recommendation of the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) as a mechanism whose main role remains the assistance, promotion and protection of human rights. For Albania, this process is not only about holding each person to account, but also about fostering genuine dialogue and analysis.
Indeed, this UPR has been an important opportunity to reflect on the steps taken in Albania to improve the protection and promotion of human rights, and to consider areas where our action needs to be strengthened. The challenges are many, and despite our clear commitment to protect and promote human rights, we are also aware that much remains to be done. Facing challenges is also a way to strengthen and better protect human rights. We recognize that human rights are not only legal obligations, but also moral imperatives that guide our actions and shape our society.
We appreciate the recognition of the progress made by Albania on human rights since our third UPR cycle in May 2019. And as the Head of the Albanian delegation said in his closing statement on Monday: Let us work together to create a future where human rights are not only upheld but embraced by all.
Finally, we remain committed to continuing to cooperate with all international human rights mechanisms, including the UPR, and to honouring its obligations to protect, respect and fulfil all human rights.
Thank you.