Geneva, 7 March 2024
Mr. President,
Albania thanks the Special Rapporteur for the presentation of the report which provides a technical and practical tool for law enforcement officials to promote and protect human rights and to enhance the capacity and practices of law enforcement agencies to fulfill their duty in the context of peaceful protests.
The rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and of association are fundamental rights stipulated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. They are essential to democracy, and ensuring that all individuals and groups, without any form of discrimination, can peacefully exercise their fundamental rights and freedoms.
In many countries around the world, human rights defenders, civil society, media representatives, and gender equality advocates are deprived of exercising their rights. They are subject to attacks, intimidation, suppression, and other repressive measures. We must intensify our efforts to guarantee their fundamental rights and freedoms.
In Albania, freedom of assembly as a fundamental right is guaranteed by the Constitution. The State Police is responsible for respecting and guaranteeing the exercise of this right by any person, group of people, organization, association, or political subject.
In conclusion, Albania supports the mandate of the Special Rapporteur and commends him for his contribution to the protection of the rights to freedom of assembly and of association, and civic space globally.
Thank you.