Mr. President,
Let me begin my statement by reiterating Albania’s unwavering position against any discrimination based on religion or belief and our strong commitment to combating racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia, and forms of intolerance associated with it.
The High Commissioner’s report on combating intolerance emphasizes that States must promote freedom of religion or belief, act quickly against hate crimes and protect people belonging to religious or belief minorities. We share your recommendations.
You have rightly highlighted your concern about a sharp increase in Islamophobic and anti-Semitic speech and other hate speech. We are concerned by this increase, and we strongly condemn these manifestations of intolerance, discrimination and violence against people because of their religion or belief.
We thank the IGWG on the effective implementation of the DDPA for its report of the 21st session and share the recommendations which invite States and the private sector to promote the development of policies and practices aimed at combating the proliferation of racial discrimination, racial hatred, xenophobia, and related intolerance through new technologies, considering the particular situation of women and girls.
Mister President,
In Albania the legal framework, international and national, guarantees the fundamental rights and freedoms of citizens, including the rights of minorities, without differences for reasons such as gender, race, religion, ethnic origin, language, political, religious or philosophical beliefs, economics, education, social status or parental, racial, ethnic or religious affiliation.
We are convinced that, alongside legal frameworks, investing in education is the best solution in the fight against all forms of discrimination. This should be the priority of all of us, international institutions, and States.
Finally, I am happy to announce that our country, with a centuries-old tradition of coexistence of religions, will organize in cooperation with Essex University, in 2024, an international conference, the subject of which is: “Unity against hate”.
This is an initiative that represents Albania’s commitment to promoting centuries-old religious harmony and coexistence, democracy, and peace, based on respect for human rights and religious diversity and beliefs. This also constitutes a contribution from our country to respond to a growing global concern through multi-party and multilateral engagement, and the need for strengthening international cooperation to deal with these phenomena.
Thank you.