Sot, më datë 6 dhjetor 2018, ambasadori Ilir Boçka shprehu ngushëllimet e veta në librin e hapur me këtë rast në ambasadën e Shteteve të Bashkuara të Amerikës në Beograd me rastin e vdekjes së presidentit të 41-të, George H. W. Bush.
Më poshtë teksti i mesazhit:
“On behalf of the Embassy of Albania, I express our heartfelt condolences to our American colleagues on the passing away of President George H. W. Bush. His steadfast service to his country as diplomat and statesman, and as the President of the USA during the Cold War period will continue to inspire generations to come. The close and enduring partnership between Albania and the US today bears testament to his leadership.
Ambassador of Albania