General Statement by Albania at the 220th session of UNESCO’s
Executive Board
Delivered by Ambassador Besiana Kadare, Permanent Delegate of Albania to UNESCO, Representative of Albania to the Executive Board
Madam President of the General Conference,
Madam President of the Executive Board,
Madam Director-General,
Dear colleagues,
Albania aligns with the statement of the European Union, and I would like to add the following remarks in our national capacity.
In a world where technology, geopolitics, and globalization are reshaping power dynamics—and as we confront rising geopolitical tensions, an escalating climate crisis, and widening inequalities—Albania’s commitment to UNESCO’s mandate and the broader multilateral system is stronger than ever.
At this pivotal session of the Board, we have the responsibility to provide clear guidance to the Secretariat in crafting a program and budget for 2026–2029 that not only addresses current challenges but also lays the foundation for a more sustainable and inclusive future.
Albania welcomes the new format of the Strategic Results Report (SRR) for 2020–2023 and supports its alignment with the C/4 planning cycle. While emphasizing UNESCO’s crucial role in shaping global dialogue and addressing emerging trends, the report also highlights a recurring issue: the growing demand for UNESCO’s expertise often exceeds the available resources. This imbalance requires more effective management and a more strategic allocation of resources, focusing on areas where UNESCO has the most added value.
In this context, we urge the Director-General to prioritize strengthening partnerships within the UN system to amplify our collective impact. Improved monitoring through performance indicators, along with the effective use of internal assets and new technologies, are also crucial for enhancing UNESCO’s high-level impact.
Albania commends the Secretariat for the comprehensive preliminary proposals for 43 C/5, which emphasizes integrating the work of UNESCO’s sectors into broader, cross-cutting strategic objectives. While this integrated approach is a positive step forward, it is crucial to ensure that transparency and accountability are upheld as we merge sector-specific programs into these broader objectives.
For Albania, it is strategically important to link UNESCO’s role as a convener and a laboratory of ideas with concrete implementation at the field level. UNESCO must strengthen its presence at the country level to ensure that its vision translates into meaningful action on the ground. Field office activities should be aligned with national priorities to ensure that UNESCO’s work drives real and lasting change.
We are particularly pleased that the new C/5 maintains a human rights-based approach across all programs, with a strong emphasis on freedom of expression and access to information, as fundamental human rights.
Albania strongly supports the increased budget allocation and enhanced focus on Priority Africa and on Gender Equality in UNESCO’s activities. Gender Equality must become “everyone’s business” integrated and scaled up across all programs, sectors, and field offices as a core principle.
Albania commends UNESCO for its swift and effective response, despite limited resources and dire circumstances, to crises and emergencies around the world, including in Ukraine, Gaza, Afghanistan, Haiti, Sudan, Lebanon. We look forward to constructive discussions on these items, aiming at reaching a consensus, which would benefit those in need and alleviate the terrible suffering they are facing.
In Afghanistan, the international community must remain resolute in ensuring that human rights and access to education of women and girls are safeguarded. UNESCO’s strong advocacy and programmatic support are crucial in this effort.
Madam Chair,
Another important item on our agenda is the IOS Performance Audit of UNESCO’s Integrated Budget Framework. Albania takes note with concern of the shortcomings identified in budget control and risk management mechanisms, documentation processes, and communication. We welcome the corrective measures proposed to address these issues swiftly and look forward to reviewing the progress of their implementation at the next Board session.
Accountability must remain a cornerstone of UNESCO’s governance. We must act decisively to restore trust, including from the donors, and ensure that our financial practices uphold the highest standards of transparency and integrity.
Looking ahead, UNESCO’s role in shaping global discussions remains essential. The recognition of culture’s importance in global development through its inclusion in the “Pact for the Future” marks a strategic milestone for UNESCO. It offers a unique opportunity to fully integrate culture into social, economic, and environmental policies.
Dear colleagues,
Despite the escalating global conflicts that shape our world today, UNESCO remains a beacon of hope, demonstrating that through collective action in education, culture, and science, we can overcome our divisions and build a better future for all, paving the way for lasting peace and progress.