Thank you Mr President,
Albania aligned itself with the statement delivered by the European Union. I would like to add the following remarks in our national capacity.
Albania joins other MS in condemning the use of veto by Rusia on the resolution proposed by Japan and US on Weapons of Mass Destruction in Outer Space, as we believe this use of veto and the non -adoption by SC of its first-ever draft resolution on outer space weakens the international peace and security.
The matter of nuclear weapons in space affects us all, that is why Albania supported and co-sponsored this draft resolution, as other 64 countries from all over the world did and we are disapointed with the blocking of this initiative. The resolution if approved would have strengthen and upheld the nuclear-nonproliferation and disarmament regime.
Outer space has witnessed a surge in security challenges over recent years with threats endangering the long-term sustainability of the space environment. The space security should remain a global goal for all the countries.
Recently we have been following with deep concern informations and warnings from reliable sources on preparations for potentially deployment of nuclear weapons in space that could threaten other satellites. This would be a clear violation of the 1967 Outer Space Treaty that prevents weapons of mass destruction in space. Placing a nuclear weapon into orbit would be unprecedented, unacceptable, and deeply dangerous.
In light of these developments, the russian veto against this draft resolution only increases our concerns.
We firmly believe that preventing an arms race in outer space is a prerequisite to impede it from becoming an area of conflict.
With the increasing reliance on satellites for various crucial functions like communication, navigation, and monitoring, ensuring the security and sustainability of outer space is imperative.
It’s crucial for all nations to uphold their obligations under international treaties and work towards maintaining outer space as a peaceful and cooperative domain.
In this regard, concrete efforts are needed, based on political commitments and legal binding instruments, as well as a responsible behaviour of all actors, especially by any Security Council permanent member who should not abuse with the privilege of the veto to prioritise their own interest.
Thank you!