Madame Chair,
I would like to thank you and your co-facilitator, for your dedication and hard work in guiding this crucial process. Today’s meeting is timely, and we hope it will energize the consultation process and expedite progress on the text.
Albania strongly advocates as many yesterday, for a concise, action-oriented document that avoids redundancy and is easily understandable by all.
In a time where the UN and multilateralism face challenges, the pact must inspire hope by mobilizing collective efforts to address global challenges. It should reaffirm our dedication to the UN Charter and rules-based multilateralism with the UN at its core.
We belive that the Pact should build on the 2030 Agenda and deliver on the Political Declaration adopted at this year’s SDG Summit. As we celebrate the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, it is important to reaffirm the equal value and significance of human rights by emphasizing their universality, indivisibility, interdependence, and interconnectness.
The Pact should outline specific steps for achieving just digital transitions while promoting prosperity, innovation, competitiveness, and social well-being based on human rights.
We must integrate young people into our discussions systematically and effectively, establishing a global standard for youth engagement that is rights-based, inclusive, safe, equitable, and adequately resourced.
Collaboration in this process is essential for a successful and practical outcome. The Summit for the Future and the Pact should be viewed as a moment to revive international cooperation in times of crisis, not only for the UN but for the broader multilateral system.
Therefore, colleagues, we cannot afford to falter in this process. Albania stands ready to constructively engage toward a consensual document.
I thank you!