Shqipëria në Konferencën e 12-të Ministrore (MC12) të Organizatës Botërore të Tregtisë (OBT)

Konferenca e 12-të Ministrore (MC12) e Organizatës Botërore të Tregtisë (OBT), e shtyrë në vijimësi që nga viti 2019, zhvilloi punimet më 12-17 qershor 2022 në Selinë e OBT në Gjenevë, nën drejtimin e z. Timur Suleimenov, zv.Drejtor i Parë i Kabinetit të Presidentit të Kazakistanit.
Shqipëria mori pjesë në MC12 me një delegacion të kryesuar nga znj. Delina Ibrahimaj, Ministre e Finaancave dhe Ekonomisë.
Fillimisht e planifikuar të përfundonte më 15 qershor, MC12 u zgjat me dy ditë për të lënë më shumë kohë për negociatat dhe arritjen e marrëveshjeve. Dhe, në fakt, pas negociatash të pandërprera, anëtarët e OBT përfunduan me sukses MC12, duke miratuar “Paketën e Gjenevës”, një numër nismash tregtare shumëpalëshe që njëkohësisht konfirmojnë rëndësinë historike të sistemit tregtar shumëpalësh dhe nënvizojnë rolin e rëndësishëm të OBT në adresimin e çështjeve më urgjente në botës, veçanërisht në një kohë kur zgjidhjet globale janë kritike.
Paketa e miratuar me konsensus përfshin:

  • Deklaratën e Ministerialit;
  • Marrëveshjen e OBT për Subvencionet e Peshkimit (marrëveshje e pjesshme);
  • Vendimin Ministror për Marrëveshjen TRIPS (TRIPS Waiver; marrëveshje e pjesshme);
  • Vendimin Ministror për përjashtimin e blerjeve të mallrave ushqimore prej Programit Botëror të Ushqimit (WFP) nga kufizimet e eksportit (marrëveshje e pjesshme);
  • Vendimin Ministror për Programin e Punës për Tregtinë Elektronike (përfshirë moratoriumin për transmetimet elektronike);
  • Deklaratën Ministrore mbi përgjigjen e OBT ndaj pandemisë COVID-19 dhe gatishmërisë për pandemitë e ardhshme;
  • Deklaratën Ministrore mbi Tregtinë dhe Sigurinë Ushqimore;
  • Deklaratën Ministrore për përgjigjen ndaj sfidave moderne të çështjeve sanitare dhe fitosanitare (SPS)

Negociatat për çështjet bujqësore nuk arritën rezultate mbi mbajtjen e stoqeve publike për qëllime të sigurisë ushqimore (PSH), mbështetjen e brendshme, pambukun dhe aksesin në treg.
Shqipëria mori pjesë në dhe në dy aktivitete paralele në kuadër të MC12, për fuqizimin ekonomik të grave dhe në solidaritet me Ukrainën pas agresionit rus.
Më poshtë gjeni fjalën e Ministres znj. Delina Ibrahimaj, një deklaratë për shtyp pas aktivitetit në solidaritet me Ukrainën, si dhe një deklaratë të përbashkët në përfundim të Ministerialit.
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Ministerial Conference
Twelfth Session
Geneva, 12-15 June 2022
12 June 2022
Statement by H.E. Mrs Delina Ibrahimaj
Minister of Finance and Economy of Albania
I want to start by thanking the Swiss government for hosting the Albanian delegation and the government of Kazakhstan for co-hosting this twelfth session of the WTO Ministerial Conference.
Albania fully supports an open, non-discriminatory and rule-based global multilateral trading system.
The WTO plays a vital role, central and irreplaceable one in the effective and transparent functioning of this system, in maintaining open and predictable markets and unhindered global trade, including the economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.
We are fully convinced that the Geneva Ministerial will serve to further and strongly affirm the essential contribution of WTO by delivering significant results on some key issues that are of crucial importance and will send a strong message and a clear one on the importance of our organization.
Despite the serious difficulties faced during the pandemic situation, we are once again challenged in a more serious situation, Russian aggression against Ukraine.
In this context, when a member state has attacked another member state, bringing along with it terrible destruction, loss of innocent lives, a great humanitarian crisis, cruelty and terrible war crimes, Albania condemns in the harshest terms of possible aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine which is an unprovoked, premeditated attack against a sovereign democratic state.
While Albania stands in full solidarity with the people of Ukraine, we call on the Russian Federation to fulfil its responsibility to maintain international peace and security.
The WTO has played and is playing its essential role in successfully tackling the COVID-19 pandemic, contributing to keeping trade flows open, thus supporting the livelihoods of peoples across the globe.
COVID-19 situation testified to the necessity of a stable and predictable trading environment, as well as the role of the multilateral trading system in ensuring timely and safe access to quality, safe, effective and affordable vaccines and medicines for all.
Furthermore, in this context, I am pleased to state that Albania has co-sponsored the Trade and Health Communication: COVID-19 and beyond, considering it essential in the context of the WTO's response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
On issues of intellectual property rights for the prevention and treatment of COVID-19, waiving TRIPS, it is of the utmost importance to find a functioning middle ground and to remain committed to the TRIPS Agreement.
Reaching an agreement on fishery subsidies is of paramount importance as the livelihoods of millions of people around the world depend heavily on the fisheries sector.
Albania fully supports the efforts made so far to advance the negotiations for a consensual agreement to fulfil both mandates from the SDG 14.6 target which is an integral part of the UN Agenda 2030, as well as from the previous WTO Ministerial Conference. Thus creating a clear ban on subsidies that impair the sustainability of fisheries.
The special and differential treatment should be an integral part of this agreement, including the renewal and modernization of the fishing fleet and in this regard, the granting of subsidies should be assessed in correlation with the sustainability of the fishery.
It remains of an urgent matter to be able to ensure the continuous flow of food, as well as products, services and essential inputs for agricultural and food production and supply as the devastating war in Ukraine has caused barriers to exports, as one of the world's leading exporters of major agricultural products.
Therefore, it is important to keep our food and agricultural markets open, predictable and transparent by not imposing unjustified trade restrictions on agricultural and agri-food products or key inputs of agricultural production.
In the meantime, any emergency measures taken to mitigate the impacts on food safety should be as distorting, targeted, proportionate and temporary as possible, as well as to provide transparency and predictability.
It is of the utmost importance that no export bans or restrictions be imposed on food products purchased for non-commercial humanitarian purposes by the World Food Program.
Therefore, issues related to food security and the World Food Program in the context of the current global crisis deserve special attention and call for our determined joint action.
As the WTO continues to be an essential tool for achieving inclusive and sustainable global growth and development, we support efforts to reform the WTO to more effectively address the current and future challenges facing the organization and to ensure its sound operation. At the moment, the two-tier WTO dispute settlement system is a central element for the security and predictability of the multilateral trading system and effective functioning needs to be restored.
The WTO Joint Plurilateral Initiatives cover a wide range of important issues and are giving real dynamism to our organization while effectively delivering tangible results.
Albania being part in all of them, it is truly encouraging that these open and fully transparent initiatives are complementary to multilateralism.
Regarding e-commerce, let me emphasize that Albania fully supports the extension of the e-commerce moratorium on non-imposition of customs duties on electronic broadcasting until the next MC13 Conference.
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Geneva, 12 June 2022
Ukraine Solidarity meeting
Statement by WTO Members: Albania, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, Colombia, ,Costa Rica, Croatia, Republic of Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Ecuador, Estonia, European Union, Finland, France, Georgia, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Republic of Korea, Latvia, Germany, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Mexico, Republic of Moldova, Montenegro, The Netherlands, New Zealand, North Macedonia, Norway, Paraguay, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Separate Customs Territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu, United Kingdom, Ukraine, United States, Uruguay
We, the trade ministers/heads of delegation of the undersigned WTO Members, have met in Geneva today on the occasion of the 12 Ministerial Conference of the WTO, to reiterate our full support for, and solidarity with, the people of Ukraine. We express our deep sadness at the devastating human losses and profound suffering caused by the aggression against Ukraine. In so doing, we reiterate our support for the UN General Assembly Resolutions of 2 March 2022 (A/RES/ES-11/1) and 24 March 2022 (A/RES/ES-11/2).
The war is also having a devastating impact, including on Ukraine’s economy and ability to trade. The destruction of a significant part of Ukraine’s transportation infrastructure, including roads, bridges, ports and railroads, is substantially impeding Ukraine’s ability to produce, export, and import. We are gravely concerned about the consequences of this destruction for Ukraine and for global trade, in particular as regards the supply to international markets of a number of key commodities produced by Ukraine, including agricultural and food products, fertilisers, sunflower oil, and critical minerals. We are also deeply concerned by numerous reports of grain being plundered from Ukraine. These actions are at odds with the principles and values of the WTO.
We underline the importance of maintaining open and predictable markets, and Ukraine’s ability to trade. Given this, we strongly condemn any actions targeting the means of supply, production, and transportation necessary for Ukraine to produce and export to the world, including agri-food products. We stress the need to ensure that the trade routes, especially sea routes and ports, are not blocked by the threat of the use of force.
The food security impacts are dramatic for those directly affected in Ukraine but are not just restricted to Ukraine and its citizens. Ukraine is one of the world's top exporters of key agricultural products like wheat, maize, barley, and sunflower oil. It is a major supplier to the World Food Programme. The impact of the war, including of the blockage of Ukraine’s access to the Black Sea, is seriously jeopardizing food supply to some of the most vulnerable parts of the world, in developing countries. This risks pushing millions of people into food insecurity, adding to the already severe situation caused by COVID-19.
In this context, we will seek to support Ukraine and to facilitate its exports. We encourage WTO Members to do likewise in a manner commensurate with their capacity, including by facilitating the use of infrastructure or facilitating and simplifying customs procedures.
Within our capacity, we will look for ways to help Ukrainian farmers to continue planting and growing cereals and oilseeds, much needed for themselves and for the world. Within the capacity of each WTO Member, we will continue to provide humanitarian aid to alleviate the suffering of Ukrainian civilians, including to help secure their access to basic goods and services, including food. We will also look for ways to help Ukraine in its reconstruction as soon as circumstances permit.
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Geneva, 17 June 2022
Joint statement on Russian aggression against Ukraine
Joint Statement by WTO members: Albania; Australia; Canada; Costa Rica; European Union; Iceland; Japan; Republic of Korea; Republic of Moldova; Montenegro; New Zealand; North Macedonia; Norway; Separate Customs Territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu; Ukraine; United Kingdom; United States.
We, the Ministers of the undersigned WTO members, stand in solidarity with the people of Ukraine. At the 12th Ministerial Conference of the WTO we engaged in finding multilateral solutions to pressing global issues and negotiated to deliver for communities across the globe. This does not represent a normalizing of trading relations with Russia.
We condemn in the strongest possible terms the Russian Federation’s aggression against Ukraine, assisted by Belarus. Belarus’ accession to the WTO was halted in 2020 and we will not consider it further. We stand in unwavering support of Ukraine and will work together to find ways to use trade to support Ukraine to rebuild its economy and society. The Russian Federation’s actions, which have continued unrelenting for more than 15 weeks, are an unprovoked, premeditated attack against a sovereign democratic state. They also constitute an egregious violation of international law, including the UN Charter, and undermine fundamental principles of international peace and security. These actions show the Russian Federation does not respect international institutions, disciplines, and norms.
Russia’s indiscriminate attacks on Ukraine’s civilian infrastructure and blockades of Ukraine’s seaports have also exacerbated pre-existing problems affecting supply chains in multiple sectors, with 1.7 billion people in over 100 countries now facing severe food, energy and commodity supply issues and price rises.
Together, we insist that the Russian Federation must urgently stop its military aggression against Ukraine and immediately withdraw its troops. We are firmly convinced that the Russian Federation must be held accountable and must cease its actions, which undermine global peace, security and international law.
We will continue to take actions, as WTO Members, that we each consider necessary to protect our essential security interests, and we will continue to impress upon the Russian Federation the urgent need for it to live up to its responsibility to restore and maintain international peace and security.


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