Shqipëria në Sesionin e 55-të të Këshillit për të Drejtat e Njeriut

Human Rights Council
55th Session
26/02/2024 to 05/04/2024
The Albanian Delegation at the 55th  Session of the Human Rights Council delivered the following statements:
Statement at the Enhanced Interactive Dialogue on the Human Rights in Eritrea
Thank you, Mr. President,
We would like to thank you for the oral update.
The human rights situation in Eritrea requires continuous international scrutiny and monitoring. Albania is concerned with the lack of improvement in the situation of human rights in Eritrea, where the authorities continue to disregard basic rights, including freedom of opinion, religion, and expression.
Although there have been significant withdrawals of Eritrean troops from northern Ethiopia, these forces remained in parts of Ethiopia’s Tigray region where they continued to commit serious violations, including widespread sexual violence and extrajudicial executions, and blocked humanitarian aid from reaching areas under their control.
We urge Eritrea to withdraw its forces from Ethiopian territory immediately and to investigate all allegations of serious violations of human rights and humanitarian law committed by Eritrean forces in northern Ethiopia, including against Eritrean and Ethiopian civilians and refugees.
The oppressive environment in Eritrea has forced many to flee and seek refuge abroad. We are worried about the high number of Eritrean refugees and asylum seekers in East Africa and asylum seekers globally. We condemn the attempts to silence dissent abroad, including by punishing family members who remain in Eritrea.
We also call upon the Government of Eritrea to uphold the right to freedom of religion or belief, to guarantee the exercise of freedom of expression and freedom of peaceful assembly and association, and to free all those who have been arbitrarily detained on the basis of their region or belief, or political views.
To conclude, Albania reiterates its full support for the mandate of the Special Rapporteur.
Thank you.
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Statement at the Interactive Dialogue on High Commissioner’s oral update on Myanmar
Mr. President,
Albania thanks the High Commissioner for his oral update on the human rights situation in Myanmar.
Albania is deeply concerned about the situation in Myanmar, which has continued to deteriorate, particularly since the military coup on February 1, 2021. The crisis is massive, with an estimated 1.5 million internally displaced people, approximately 60,000 civilian structures burnt or destroyed, and over 17.6 million people requiring humanitarian assistance.
The Myanmar military has carried out a brutal nationwide repression which included mass killings, arbitrary arrests of more than 16000 pro-democracy supporters, torture and sexual violence, and restrictions on freedom of speech and assembly. They continue to undertake indiscriminate air attacks on schools, hospitals, and places of worship, to suppress, intimidate, and demoralize the civilian population. Albania has always vigorously condemned the assault against civilians, against all international humanitarian rules.
Albania is deeply concerned over the grave human rights violations and abuses against Rohingya and other minorities in Myanmar as they continue to face systematic discrimination.
We urge Myanmar to acknowledge the Rohingya as an ethnic minority and resolve their citizenship status, creating conditions for the voluntary, safe, and dignified return of the Rohingya and other displaced persons. 
I thank you.
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Statement at the Interactive dialogue with Group of Human Rights Experts on Nicaragua
Thank you, Mr. Vice President,
We would like to thank the Human Rights Experts for their report and their overview of the situation in Nicaragua.
We share the same concerns with Human Rights Experts about the disturbing situation of human rights in Nicaragua. In recent months, the situation has significantly deteriorated with the government tightening its grip on power by suppressing critical and dissenting voices.
Human rights defenders, journalists, clergymen, and political opponents face harassment and intimidation. The government has canceled the legal status of thousands of nongovernmental organizations and enacted laws that violate freedom of expression and assembly.
We are concerned with the shutdown of at least 20 radio and television stations. That decision has intensified restrictions on freedom of expression.
The Catholic Church has also been targeted, with incidents such as police attempting to seize equipment from a Church media outlet and arresting the Bishop of Matagalpa and others on charges of inciting hatred and violence.
Albania condemns the radical repression against political opponents and calls for the release of all political prisoners.
We call on the Nicaraguan authorities to fully cooperate with international human rights mechanisms, fulfill their international commitments, and ensure the full realization of human rights for all people in Nicaragua.
Thank you.
  * * *
Statement at the Interactive Dialogue with Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Afghanistan
Mr. President,
Albania thanks the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Afghanistan, Mr. Richard Bennett, for his previous reports and his observations on the recent developments in the country.
The recent reports of the Special Rapporteur and today's observations gave us a gloomier situation than we had a year ago, the human rights situation continues to worsen, and the country faces one of the world’s worst humanitarian crises. Afghanistan’s economic crisis also worsened, with more than 28 million people, nearly two-thirds of the population, requiring humanitarian aid.
We remain deeply concerned that the number of restrictions on the rights and freedoms of women and girls continues to escalate. The situation of women and girls has deteriorated immensely since August 2021, with increasing obstacles to education, employment, expression, association, privacy, movement, and participation in public life. Since January 2024, numerous women and girls have been arbitrarily detained for allegedly violating the Taliban’s dress code for women.
Guaranteeing women and girls’ protection is a direct responsibility of the de-facto rulers of the country and every violation of human rights and fundamental freedoms is subject to accountability. Living in safety, security, and dignity is a very important step towards the respect for basic rights for women, girls, children, young people, and minorities in the country.
We share the same view with the Special Rapporteur that Afghanistan cannot successfully reintegrate into the international community while half of its population is systematically oppressed and excluded from public life.
The future of the country will depend on the meaningful inclusion of all its people, including women, girls, persons with disabilities, older persons, LGBTQI+ persons, and members of all marginalized communities, in every aspect of political, social, and economic life.
Thank you.
  * * *
Statement at the Enhanced Interactive Dialogue on High Commissioner’s report on the Sudan
Thank you, Mr. President,
Albania thanks the High Commissioner for presenting the key points of the report regarding the human rights situation in Sudan.
Sudan is currently witnessing a dire humanitarian crisis as a long current conflict continues to rage and has plunged the country into a catastrophic crisis of unprecedented proportions. Seven million Sudanese have been forced from their homes, including more than a million who have fled abroad to neighboring countries.
Albania remains deeply concerned with the deterioration of the human rights situation with both parties to the conflict allegedly committing widespread human rights violations and abuses. These included the targeting of specific groups, deliberate killing of civilians, arbitrary arrests and detentions, conflict-related sexual violence (CRSV), sexual slavery, torture, and attacks on media freedom.
This situation has increased ethnically based violence, fuelled intercommunal clashes, and risks degenerating into a full-scale conflict. Especially in Khartoum, Kordofan, and Darfur, racially motivated attacks, by both sides, on civilians, targeting non-Arab communities, have led to forced large-scale displacement.
The more this conflict goes on, the more it becomes clear that there can be no military solution.
We fully support the High Commissioner’s call for an effective, transparent, independent, and impartial investigation into all allegations of violations and abuses of international human rights and the perpetrators must be brought to justice. Breaking the cycle of impunity that gave rise to this conflict and a credible re-start of inclusive talks to restore civilian-led government remain the out most important priorities.
I thank you.
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Statement at the Enhanced Interactive Dialogue on the human rights in South Sudan
Thank you, Mr. President,
Albania aligns with the Joint Statement in the name of the Item 2 core group on the South Sudan resolution.
Albania thanks the members of the Commission on Human Rights in South Sudan for their outstanding work and the government of South Sudan for its cooperation with the Commission.
We remain deeply concerned about the security and political tensions across the country; systematic sexual violence against women and girls, the ongoing presence of children in fighting forces, state-sponsored extrajudicial killings; the shrinking of civil and political space, and the harassment of journalists, human rights defenders, and civil society actors.
The humanitarian crisis is at risk of worsening during 2024. We call on the government to step up its efforts and provide durable and holistic solutions to the chronic humanitarian crisis.
We also call on the South Sudan government to take all measures necessary to guarantee political and civic space, as well as the rights to freedom of opinion and expression, freedom of association, and peaceful assembly across South Sudan, thereby creating conditions for the credible conduct of the constitution-making, transitional justice, and national electoral processes.
To conclude, we support the extension of the mandate of the Commission on Human Rights in South Sudan for a further period of one year.
Thank you.
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Statement during the Interactive Dialogue with the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic
Monsieur le Président,
Nous soutenons le travail important de la Commission d’enquête et le rôle essentiel qu’elle joue afin de garantir la responsabilité et justice pour les victimes. L’Albanie soutient son mandat.
Des violations et abus flagrants des droits de l’homme, continuent à être signalés par la Commission d'enquête CoI, notamment des meurtres, des privations arbitraires de liberté, des disparitions forcées, de la torture et des décès en détention, y compris parmi les rapatriés. Nous condamnons avec force ces violations. La situation des droits de l’homme en Syrie demeure donc préoccupante.
Les femmes et les enfants continuent d'être touchées de manière disproportionnée par diverses formes de violence. Ils font face à des risques accrus de violence, d’exploitation et de déplacement forcé. Les derniers rapports démontrent que les femmes et les filles ont été ciblées en raison de leur sexe, elles ont eu des obstacles à l'exercice de leurs droits de propriété, d'héritage et de la liberté d'expression, ou encore du manque de justice et de réparation. Nous condamnons fermement ces violences et demandons à la communauté internationale de redoubler d’efforts pour garantir leurs droits fondamentaux.
Nous nous félicitons des nouveaux progrès réalisés vers la création d’une l'Institution internationale indépendante pour se pencher sur le sort des plus de 100 000 personnes ayant disparu en Syrie. A cet effet, nous exhortons les autorités syriennes à s'engager de bonne foi avec ce mécanisme, qui ouvrira la voie au droit des victimes, des survivants et de leurs familles à la vérité.
L’Albanie tient à saluer le courage des organisations de la société civile qui travaillent sur les droits de l'homme en Syrie, car elles jouent un rôle crucial dans la documentation des abus qui servirons pour la responsabilisation et la justice.
 Nous rappelons les conclusions de la commission d'enquête CoI selon lesquelles la Syrie n'offre pas encore un environnement stable pour les retours volontaire des réfugiés syriens et de déplacés internes dans leur pays. Ces personnes ont besoin d’un soutien humanitaire, notamment en matière de logement, de nourriture et d’accès à des services de base. Nous appelons les autorités syriennes à protéger ces personnes contre les violations et abus des droits de l'homme et encourageons les efforts de la communauté internationale qui visent à faciliter leur retour tout en garantissant le renforcement des institutions respectueuses des droits de l'homme.
L’impunité pour les violations des droits de l’homme en Syrie persiste, alimentant ainsi un climat de perpétuation des abus. Il faut mettre fin à l'impunité et les auteurs doivent être tenus responsables. Cela contribuerait également à établir des bases solides pour la réconciliation et la reconstruction d’une société respectueuse des droits de l’homme et à œuvrer à l’établissement de l’État de droit en Syrie.
En soutenant le mandat du CoI, l’Albanie soutient la voie de la responsabilisation des auteurs qui ont tant fait souffert le peuple syrien qui indéniablement mérite un avenir meilleur, marqué par la paix, la stabilité et le plein respect de ses droits fondamentaux. Nous devons tout faire pour aider le peuple syrien à reconstruire leur vie et leur avenir avec des droits et sans discriminations.
Je vous remercie.
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Statement during the Interactive dialogue with the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on Ukraine
Monsieur le Président,
L'Albanie remercie la Commission d’enquête sur l’Ukraine CoI pour la présentation de son rapport et exprime le soutien au renouvellement de son mandat.
Nous condamnons fermement la guerre d'agression non provoquée et injustifiée menée par la Russie contre l'Ukraine.
L’Albanie exprime sa profonde préoccupation face aux conclusions de la commission d'enquête CoI, selon lesquelles les autorités russes ont commis un large éventail de violations du droit international des droits de l'homme et violations du droit international humanitaire.
La situation dans le territoire occupé de l’Ukraine reste extrêmement préoccupante. Ces violations documentées et perpétrées par les forces russes se poursuivent et peuvent constituer des crimes de guerre et des crimes contre l’humanité.
L’Albanie réitère sa position, soulignée par notre ministre de l’Europe et des Affaires étrangères M. Igli Hasani, au sein même de ce Conseil, que la guerre contre l'Ukraine est en violations du droit international humanitaire et du droit international des droits de l'homme, et que les responsables des crimes doivent rendre des comptes aux victimes de cette guerre.
L'Albanie encourage la poursuite des efforts visant à mettre fin à l'impunité et à garantir la responsabilité au sens le plus large du terme, y compris les droits des victimes à la justice aux réparations et aux indemnisations, ainsi que des garanties de non-répétition. A cet égard nous réitérons notre soutient au Registre des dommages causés par l’agression de la Russie contre l’Ukraine, mis en place par le Conseil de l’Europe.
Notre soutient vas aux enquêtes du procureur de la Cour pénale internationale et aux efforts pour établir un tribunal chargé de poursuivre les crimes d'agression contre l'Ukraine.
Les conclusions de la CoI selon lesquelles les autorités russes sont responsables du transfert forcé, en particulier des enfants vers la Russie, sont extrêmement inquiétantes, et peut constituer un crime de guerre. Nous condamnons fermement la séparation des familles et des enfants, ainsi que tout changement ultérieur du statut personnel des enfants y compris l’adoption ou le placement dans des familles d'accueil. A cet égard, l’Albanie réitère son appel à la Russie pour qu’elle garantisse immédiatement le retour en toute sécurité vers l’Ukraine de tous les enfants et autres civils ukrainiens illégalement expulsés et ou transférés.
L’Albanie exprime son soutien indéfectible à l’Ukraine et au peuple ukrainien dans leur lutte pour la liberté, la dignité et l'État de droit, sur la voie de la justice, de la responsabilité et de la paix. Il s’agit en effet aussi d’une lutte au nom et pour les droits de l'homme. D’où la nécessité d'un soutien continu à l'Ukraine et aux Ukrainiens.
L’Albanie continuera de soutenir la vision ukrainienne de paix, une paix qui respecte la souveraineté nationale et l’intégrité territoriale de l’Ukraine.
Je vous remercie.
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Statement during the Interactive Dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the Democratic People's Republic of Korea
Monsieur le Président,
L’Albanie remercie le Rapporteur spécial pour la présentation de son rapport et soutien le renouvèlement de son mandat.
Il y a dix ans, le COI de la RPDC a publié un rapport qui concluait que « des crimes contre l'humanité ont été commis en RPDC, notamment l'extermination, le meurtre, l'emprisonnement, l'esclavage, la torture, le viol, la violence sexuelle, la persécution, le transfert forcé d’une population et ou encore la disparition forcée et famine.
Depuis, des rapports crédibles des divers experts, du Rapporteur spécial de l’ONU et des ONG ont souligné que la situation s’est aggravée, des violations et des abus des droits de l'homme continus, notamment par une répression croissante de la liberté de mouvement et d’expression, des exécutions extrajudiciaires, des détentions arbitraires et illégales, du travail forcé et une détérioration de la situation des droits économiques et sociaux. Pas de progrès non plus en matière de responsabilisation.
Les restrictions à la liberté d'expression et à d'autres droits fondamentaux ont été renforcées par la mise en œuvre de nouvelles lois.
La situation actuelle des droits de l'homme en Corée du Nord est désastreuse : les enfants souffrent de malnutrition en nombre croissant, les femmes n'ont pas les droits fondamentaux aux soins sexuels et reproductifs et sont également régulièrement soumises à des violences basées sur le genre. Toutes ces violations et abus des droits de l’homme constituent des crimes contre l’humanité, dont les auteurs doivent rendre des comptes.
L’isolationnisme, la surveillance par le gouvernement sur ses citoyens, la répression et la démagogie source d’une idéologie totalitaire, les désaveux systématiques des droits fondamentaux dépossède les citoyens de leurs droits, les rends pauvre et fragiles face à la machine du régime et rend difficile l’évaluation de la situation réelle sur terrain. Les courageux témoignages des victimes et leurs familles sont à saluer et doivent être encouragés dans la poursuite de la responsabilisation. Venant d’un pays avec une passée totalitaire, je sais parfaitement de quoi je parle et ce que cela veut dire. C’est dans cette esprit que l’Albanie reitre sa position en faveur des droits fondamentaux du peuple Nord-Coréen et encourage toutes initiatives visant à diminuer leurs souffrances.
Il y a une évidence du lien entre les violations continues des droits de l’homme par la Corée du Nord et la militarisation croissante. Dérouter des ressources vers la poursuite de ses programmes illicites d’armes nucléaires et de missiles balistiques au détriment du bien-être de sa population est inquiétante. Nous appelons au régime du Coré du Nord à renoncer à ses armes, à cesser les violations des droits de l'homme et à relancer les canaux de communication avec l’ONU et ses mécanismes.
Nous saluons le travail du Rapporteur spécial et du bureau du HCDH à Séoul pour leur rôle essentiel dans le renforcement des efforts de responsabilisation. Toutefois, l’Albanie reste préoccupée par cette culture de l'impunité et par l'absence de responsabilisation pour les violations et atteintes aux droits de l'homme en Corée du Nord.
Enfin, les graves abus et violations accablantes des droits de l’hommes dans le pays, doivent continuer à être au centre de l’attention du CDH. Le rôle à ce dernier est de protéger et promouvoir les droits de l’homme, d’être créatif et construire une dynamique pour engager un dialogue avec la Corée du Nord, tout en soutenant des initiatives visant à renforcer les mécanismes de responsabilisation judiciaire et non judiciaire pour les violations des droits dans le pays.
Je vous remercie.
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Statement during the Interactive Dialogue with the Independent International Fact-Finding Mission on the Islamic Republic of Iran
Monsieur le Président,
L’Albanie remercie la Mission d'enquête pour sa présentation d’aujourd’hui et salue son professionnalisme, l’indépendante et l’impartialité dans l’accomplissement de son mandat.
La Mission internationale indépendante d’établissement des faits révèle que la situation des droits de l’homme en Iran n’a guère amélioré, au contraire, elle s’est détériorée et se caractérise par: la poursuite des exécutions de manifestants; des violations des droits humains; une justice qui n’est ni indépendante et encore moins transparente ; les arrestations et détentions arbitraires ; la violence sexuelle et sexiste ; le recours excessif à la force ; la torture et autres traitements inhumains. Nous sommes clairement face à une situation de violations flagrante du droit international et du droit humanitaire. Cela ne peut pas et ne dois pas continuer. Nous encourageons toutes initiatives qui visent à mettre fins à cette brutalité du régime iranien contre son propre peuple.
Les femmes, les filles et les enfants subissent de plein fouet la violence du régime iranien. Nous sommes profondément préoccupés par des révélations des abus physiques, psychologiques et sexuels infligés aux femmes et aux filles, simplement parce qu’elles cherchaient à exercer leurs droits et libertés fondamentales, protégés par le droit international des droits humains. Certains de ces actes peuvent constituer des crimes contre l'humanité de persécution sexiste. Les auteurs de ces crimes doivent être tenus responsables.
Les violations des droits de l'homme en Iran et la répression liées aux manifestations qui ont débuté le 16 septembre 2022, n’épargne personne. Des informations sur le harcèlement et d'intimidation de journalistes, de défenseurs des droits humains, de la société civile, des avocats défendant les manifestants et de harcèlement à l'encontre de membres de familles des manifestants, sont très inquiétant. Ces derniers attendaient le droit à la vérité et à la justice, ils ont reçu la torture et la répression.
La persistance de la discrimination à l’égard des minorités ethniques, religieuses et sexuelles reste très préoccupante en Iran.
Des nombreux pays et ou organisations internationales, y compris le Haut-Commissaire des Droits de l’homme, ont demandé à Iran d’instaurer un moratoire immédiat sur la peine de mort, mais en vain. Rien que le mois dernier, 8 personnes ont été exécuté et 20 autres ont été condamne à mort.
L'Albanie soutient pleinement l'appel visant à mettre fin à l'impunité endémique en Iran. Le peuple iranien mérite la garantie que les auteurs de ces violations seront tenus pour responsables.
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Statement during the Interactive dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the Islamic Republic of Iran
Monsieur le Président,
L'Albanie salue le RS M. Rehman de son rapport sur la situation des droits de l’homme en Iran, et soutien le renouvellement de son mandat.
Des nombreux rapports ont démontré que la situation des droits de l’homme en Iran reste alarmante. Cette situation se caractérise, et ce n’ai pas un secret pour personne, par la violence, l'intimidation, la détention, la torture et meurtre systématique à l’envers de tous ceux qui osent s’opposer au régime. Les dernières manifestations pacifiques des Iraniens ont clairement montré l’impopularité du régime.
L’Albanie partage la profonde préoccupation du RS par la discrimination persistante et sans précédent utilisé à l’égard des femmes et des filles, à la suite des manifestations à l'échelle nationale après la mort de Mahsa Jina Amini, en septembre 2022, tuant des centaines et arrêtant des milliers de manifestants.
Des défenseurs des droits humains, des droits des femmes, des membres de minorités ethniques et religieuses, des journalistes, des militants syndicaux et des dissidents, restent en prison à l'issue des procès inéquitables. Les agences de sécurité ont également pris pour cible les membres des familles des personnes tuées lors des manifestations. L’impunité des forces de sécurité pour les violations graves des droits humains, reste généralisée.
L’Albanie condamne cette violence et répression exercé par les forces de sécurité iraniennes contre son peuple. Nous appelons pour un arrêt immédiat de la répression et à une enquête impartiale et transparente sur ces violations des droits de l'homme.
De plus, le rapport nous décrit une situation déplorable sur les conditions de détention caractérisé par le recours à la torture, à l'isolement, au refus de traitement médical, à la surpopulation et l’insalubrités et ou encore par le refus de visites et autres contacts avec les membres de la famille. Nous condamnons avec force ces violations des droits de l’hommes et appelons le régime iranien de mettre fin à la torture et aux mauvais traitements.
Il est clair pour l’Albanie que l’Iran est connu depuis longtemps pour ses violations systématiques, notamment une forte augmentation des exécutions, où les minorités ethniques et nationales sont touchées de manière disproportionnée. L’Albanie s’oppose à la peine de mort en toutes circonstances, et reste profondément préoccupés quant au taux élevé d'exécutions y compris des enfants, en Iran.
Enfin, l'Albanie appelle et exhorte toutes les nations attachées aux droits de l'homme à se tenir aux côtés du peuple iranien et continuer de surveiller la situation des droits de l'homme dans le pays. A cet égard, l’Albanie soutient le renouvellement du mandat du Rapporteur spécial sur l'Iran.
Je vous remercie.
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Statement during the Interactive Dialogue with the Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Violence against Children
Mr. President,
Albania thanks the Special Representative for the briefing and her report.
Albania commends the Special Representative for her efforts and engagement with various actors at the global, regional, and national levels to advocate for the prevention and elimination of all forms of violence against children. We concur with her considerations on the importance of intensifying global actions to ensure the protection of all children regardless of their status.
Albania appreciates the special focus in your report on the protection of children in the move in times of crisis. The alarming data on violence against children is a wake-up call for all of us to take more action and revitalize our efforts to protect children around the world, guided by the best interest of the child.
Albania remains committed to reinforcing the child protection system by enhancing legislative and policy frameworks related to ensuring the protection of all children. We have adopted laws and policies that aim to guarantee the rights of unaccompanied foreign children and to guarantee them the best possible protection.
To conclude, we commend and express full support to the Special Representative for her work in advancing the agenda on the prevention and elimination of all forms of violence against children.
Thank you.
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Statement at the Interactive Dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights defenders
Mr. President,
Albania thanks the Special Rapporteur for her presentation and for providing in her report a comprehensive analysis of challenges as well as good practices concerning child and youth human rights defenders.
We thank the Special Rapporteur for including in her report as a best practice the decision of the Assembly of Albania to approve a resolution on the recognition and support of the activity of human rights defenders.
The development process of the Albanian National Youth Strategy and Action Plan was marked by an open and inclusive process of consultation with young people from every region and municipality in the country.
This process enabled the engagement of young people, representatives of youth organizations and other stakeholders that support and work with youth, to develop an accurate mapping of problems affecting young people and priorities to be addressed. The strategy aims to support all youth to develop their full potential, considering their rights, their voice, and their various needs.
In Albania, policies have been approved on the general criteria for the participation of children in consultative, and decision-making processes. Children are part of the National Council for Child Rights and Protection, sitting with the Ministers to coordinate and report on the situation of children.
The National Agenda for Child Rights 2021-2026 envisages the establishment of municipal child/adolescent councils as part of the ‘child-friendly municipality’ initiative.
To conclude, we welcome the recommendations in the report, and we express our commitment to working with the Special Rapporteur on this important issue.
Thank you.
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Statement at the Interactive dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the rights of persons with disabilities
Geneva, 11 March 2024
Mr. President,
Albania thanks the Special Rapporteur for presenting in the report her vision to advance the agenda on the promotion and protection of the rights of persons with disabilities. We value the work of the mandate holders to make the voice and perspective of persons with disabilities more visible.
The National Action Plan of Albania for Persons with Disabilities 2021-2025 includes objectives, measures, and indicators in all areas of social inclusion and accessibility aligned with the principles of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
The full and equal exercise of all the rights of persons with disabilities is a national priority.
Persons with disabilities still face challenges concerning their employment. To meet this challenge, Albania has adopted laws and policies that serve to promote employment, integration, and social inclusion.
There was progress in employment and vocational education and training, concerning the implementation of policies and interventions for the employment and vocational training of persons with disabilities.
Progress has been made in education, mainly in increasing the number of support teachers, strengthening their capacities through continuous training, and improving curricula.
Albania is committed to:

  1. strengthening and functioning the system of all-inclusiveness.
  2. to continuous training of teachers in the system.
  3. implementing the accessibility standards for the inclusion of children with disabilities in kindergartens and schools
  4. the establishment of resource centers that shall also promote lifelong learning for persons with disabilities.

Albania will continue to work towards the promotion of the rights of persons with disabilities and will support their integration into the socio-economic life of the country.
Thank you.
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Statement during the Interactive Dialogue with the Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Violence against Children
Mr. President,
I would like to thank the Special Rapporteur Gamba for the briefing and her report.
Albania expresses its profound concern for the ongoing violations committed against children in armed conflict, in particular, attacks on schools and hospitals, the impediments of humanitarian access to children, and their detention for actual or alleged association with armed groups.
Albania condemns in the strongest terms the atrocities committed against children worldwide. All parties in conflict must fulfill their obligations under international law, international humanitarian law and international human rights law, to protect children and grant humanitarian access to enable support for children in conflict zones.
We echo the call of the Special Rapporteur to member states to accede to the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child and to endorse and ratify the existing international child protection frameworks and agreements that have a concrete impact on improving children’s lives worldwide.
Albania remains committed to promoting and protecting children’s rights. We have adopted policies for the rehabilitation of children returning from conflict zones, by providing among other psychological support, including their education and reintegration into society. We will continue to work in this direction, to improve our policies and ensure that child rights are fully protected and respected.
To conclude, Albania would like to commend the Special Rapporteur for her work in advancing the agenda on strengthening the protection of children affected by armed conflict.
Thank you.
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Statement at the Interactive dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on torture and other cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment or punishment
Mr. President,
Albania thanks the Special Rapporteur for providing in her report a comprehensive analysis of current issues related to prison management and for identifying several good practices to address them.
I would like to briefly share with you some of the priorities and practices in the Albanian prison system.
The Albanian prison system was completely reformed. The legal framework and the function of the prison system are based on international standards on the rights of persons deprived of liberty. The programs for the treatment of prisoners aim for their rehabilitation and reintegration into society, based on their needs.
In addition to internal mechanisms, such as the National Mechanism for the Prevention of Torture - an independent institution and the Commission for Supervision of the Execution of Criminal Decisions, Human Rights NGOs regularly and without any restrictions monitor the police stations, detention centers, and penitentiary institutions, and they provide relevant recommendations and solutions for improving the respect of the rights of persons deprived of liberty.
To conclude, I would like to express Albania’s support for the mandate of the Special Rapporteur, and we look forward to working together for better respect for the rights of the prisoners and improving the management of the prison system.
Thank you.
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Statement at the Interactive dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the issue of human rights obligations relating to the enjoyment of a safe, clean, healthy and sustainable environment
Geneva, 6 March 2024
Mr. President,
Albania thanks the Special Rapporteur for the sober and comprehensive report. We express our full support for his mandate and commend him for his efforts and engagement to advance the agenda of human rights obligations relating to the enjoyment of a safe, clean, healthy, and sustainable environment.
Businesses can play a pivotal role in promoting human rights for a clean, healthy, and sustainable environment by adopting a proactive approach to safeguarding our planet and upholding the rights of all individuals.
We took note of the conclusions and recommendations of the Special Rapporteur. We concur that businesses must and can contribute to transformative change by embracing friendly and sustainable practices for the environment throughout the supply chain, including reducing carbon emissions, minimizing waste, and conserving water resources.
Environmental protection is one of the priority sectors in the program of the Albanian government. Among others, Integrated Waste Management and Circular Economy aims to improve the quality of the environment and the health of citizens. One of the priorities in this field is increasing awareness, education, and involvement of the public in the framework of environmental protection.
Today we face many challenges to achieving our goals, but together, we can embark on this journey to protect our planet by taking concrete actions to create a cleaner, healthier, and more sustainable environment and uphold human rights.
Thank you.
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Statement at the Interactive dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and of association
Mr. President,
Albania thanks the Special Rapporteur for the presentation of the report which provides a technical and practical tool for law enforcement officials to promote and protect human rights and to enhance the capacity and practices of law enforcement agencies to fulfill their duty in the context of peaceful protests.
The rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and of association are fundamental rights stipulated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. They are essential to democracy, and ensuring that all individuals and groups, without any form of discrimination, can peacefully exercise their fundamental rights and freedoms.
In many countries around the world, human rights defenders, civil society, media representatives, and gender equality advocates are deprived of exercising their rights. They are subject to attacks, intimidation, suppression, and other repressive measures. We must intensify our efforts to guarantee their fundamental rights and freedoms.
In Albania, freedom of assembly as a fundamental right is guaranteed by the Constitution. The State Police is responsible for respecting and guaranteeing the exercise of this right by any person, group of people, organization, association, or political subject.
In conclusion, Albania supports the mandate of the Special Rapporteur and commends him for his contribution to the protection of the rights to freedom of assembly and of association, and civic space globally.
Thank you.
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Statement at the Interactive Dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on freedom of religion or belief
Mr. President,
Albania thanks the Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Religion or Belief for her report.
As the Special Rapporteur notes, joint action can play a positive role in combating religious hatred, incitement, and violence. Albania echoes her calls to intensify efforts to counter hate speech and promote freedom of religion and belief.
The fundamental rights and freedoms of individuals should be guaranteed for all people without distinction or discrimination of any kind.
The culture of tolerance and interfaith harmony is anchored in Albanian society.
Albania remains committed to advocating and promoting freedom of religion and belief everywhere, based on the principles of equality, non-discrimination, and universality.
Albania firmly believes that religious coexistence in harmony and the protection of the freedom of religion as well as the protection of equal universal rights guaranteed to every individual without discrimination can help build a society where people can live in peace.
We would like to inform you that the Government of Albania will organize in early fall 2024 a Conference “United Against Hate”. This is an initiative that represents Albania's commitment to promoting human rights, societal harmony, democracy, and peace; and as a contribution that Albania is making to address a rising global concern through multistakeholder and multilateral engagement.
To conclude, Albania would like to express full support for the mandate of the Special Rapporteur.
Thank you.
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Statement during the Interactive Dialogue on the Report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights on climate change
Mr. President,
Mr. High Commissioner,
We thank you for the presentation and for identifying in your report the concrete measures that can be taken to address the adverse impact of climate change on food security and the contributions of food systems to climate change.
Addressing the negative impact of climate change on our ability to access food requires a comprehensive approach to guarantee the right to food for all. We can address this challenge by following, among others, these strategies:

  • Enacting policies that support climate-resilient agriculture.
  • Fostering international cooperation and assisting vulnerable countries.
  • Raising awareness among farmers, policymakers, and consumers about the link between climate change and food security.
  • Promoting sustainable consumption patterns.

The Albanian government has established a robust legal framework in response to climate change.
However, challenges persist, and international cooperation is crucial. By sharing best practices and building resilient societies, we can collectively guide our actions in finding durable solutions.
Despite the difficulties, by taking concrete actions, together we can address the adverse impact of climate change and secure a sustainable future for all.
Thank you.
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Statement during the General debate on racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related forms of intolerance, follow-up to and implementation of the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action
Mr. President,
Let me begin my statement by reiterating Albania's unwavering position against any discrimination based on religion or belief and our strong commitment to combating racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia, and forms of intolerance associated with it.
The High Commissioner's report on combating intolerance emphasizes that States must promote freedom of religion or belief, act quickly against hate crimes and protect people belonging to religious or belief minorities. We share your recommendations.
You have rightly highlighted your concern about a sharp increase in Islamophobic and anti-Semitic speech and other hate speech. We are concerned by this increase, and we strongly condemn these manifestations of intolerance, discrimination and violence against people because of their religion or belief.
We thank the IGWG on the effective implementation of the DDPA for its report of the 21st session and share the recommendations which invite States and the private sector to promote the development of policies and practices aimed at combating the proliferation of racial discrimination, racial hatred, xenophobia, and related intolerance through new technologies, considering the particular situation of women and girls.
Mister President,
In Albania the legal framework, international and national, guarantees the fundamental rights and freedoms of citizens, including the rights of minorities, without differences for reasons such as gender, race, religion, ethnic origin, language, political, religious or philosophical beliefs, economics, education, social status or parental, racial, ethnic or religious affiliation.
We are convinced that, alongside legal frameworks, investing in education is the best solution in the fight against all forms of discrimination. This should be the priority of all of us, international institutions, and States.
Finally, I am happy to announce that our country, with a centuries-old tradition of coexistence of religions, will organize in cooperation with Essex University, in 2024, an international conference, the subject of which is: "Unity against hate".
This is an initiative that represents Albania's commitment to promoting centuries-old religious harmony and coexistence, democracy, and peace, based on respect for human rights and religious diversity and beliefs. This also constitutes a contribution from our country to respond to a growing global concern through multi-party and multilateral engagement, and the need for strengthening international cooperation to deal with these phenomena.
Thank you.
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