Dear fellow citizens,
Our embassy expresses its deep concern regarding the recent fires in the northeastern Attica region. We are in constant contact with local authorities and remain on standby to offer necessary assistance to our citizens who may be affected by these events.
For all our fellow citizens in the affected areas, please follow the below civil emergency guidelines:
– Evacuation: If you are in an area ordered to evacuate, leave immediately and follow the routes specified by local authorities.
– Real-time information: Stay updated with information from authorities through local media and social networks for any changes in the situation and new instructions.
– Health precautions: Pregnant women and individuals with respiratory problems or other chronic illnesses should avoid exposure to smoke and take appropriate measures to protect their health.
In response to the fire on August 11, 2024, in Attica, the General Secretariat for Civil Protection of Greece has created a platform for temporary shelter for those affected by the fire.
Interested individuals can apply here.
For more information, you can contact the General Secretariat for Civil Protection at 213 2047893.
If you need assistance, please contact the Embassy immediately at our emergency number: 6941658183 or send an email to:
Please follow the instructions of local authorities and take the necessary measures for your and your family’s safety.
Updates on the situation will be regularly posted on our official website and social media.
Stay safe.
Kind regards,
Embassy of the Republic of Albania in Greece