Following its success in Albania, the comedy film “Two Fingers of Honey 2” has now made its way to Greece. Thanks to the collaboration between the Embassy of the Republic of Albania in Greece and producer Ermal Mamaqi, the film premiered at Village Cinemas. The screening garnered significant interest from both Albanian and Greek audiences.
Attendees at the event included Tirana’s Mayor, Mr. Erion Veliaj, and the Ambassador of the Republic of Albania to Greece, Mrs. Luela Hajdaraga.
In addition, a special promotional event for “Two Fingers of Honey 2” was held at the Albanian Embassy in Athens. This gathering brought together journalists, artists, musicians, actors, dancers, producers, directors, art enthusiasts, and friends.
The film continues to be shown at Village Cinemas in Athens, Thessaloniki, and Santorini.
For more information on showtimes and ticket prices, please click here.