Ilirian Kuka
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary

05/2024 – present
Embassy of the Republic of Albania to Hungary
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary
12/2018 – 12/2023
Embassy of Albania to the Czech Republic
The main focus is the growth of political relations, which culminated in the opening of EU/Albania negotiations during the first month of the Czech Presidency of the EU. Realization of the EU/Western Balkans Summit on Intemal Affairs and Justice, which was held for the first time in Albania. Increasing exchanges in the economic field, tourism and agriculture. Until August 2023, visitors from the Czech Republic increased by 43.5% more than in the whole of the previous year, and economic exchanges between the two countries have reached a value of over 130 million euros.
04/2014 – 08/2018
Embassy of Albania to the Czech Republic
Advisor for economic and business issues. It has helped to increase economic indicators and cooperation between the two countries in the fields of Tourism, Agriculture and politics. As a result, the flow of Czech tourists to Albania has increased by 60% from year to year for 3 years in a row. Trade relations and exchanges at the political level multiplied, culminating in the visit of the Prime Minister and a business delegation. During this visit, several important bilateral agreements were signed at the state level and between the companies present.
10/2005 – 07/2007
Director General of Albtelecom (Tirana, Albania),
Albtelekom is the largest telecommunication company in Albania that provides telecommunication services to a population of 2.5 million and has around 400,000 customers. As General Director, he managed a budget of 160 million usd and about 2,400 employees. Responsibilities include human resource management to the strategic direction of the company.
04/2001 – 11/2005
The Gillette Company / P&G (Boston, MA)
Gillette is one of the oldest consumer products manufacturing companies in the USA which had about 30,000 employees in 100 countries. In 2005, Gillette Company was bought by another giant Procter & Gamble for 55 billion USD, which was the biggest acquisition until that year. In the role of manager for the Intranet Infrastructure department, he was engaged in the management of 12 local resources and about 50 consultants distributed in different countries of the world. During the acquisition process, he was engaged in the role of Architect for the integration of systems in the Latin American region.
09/2000 – 4/2001
Director Rentmaker Inc., (Waltham, Mass.),
Rentmaker Inc., is an Internet start-up that built a platform for buying/selling and renting construction equipment. As Director of the Intemet Services Department, he managed all phases of the work cycle or computer products.
12/1999 – 9/2000
Systems Officer of State Street Corporation (Boston, MA),
State Street Corporation is a pension fund management company. In the role he held in the company, ne was active In Increasing cooperaton between departments and Implemenung cost-enecuve policies.
05/1993 – 04/1997
University of Bari, Italy Bachelor in Electronic Engineering Speciality: Telecommunications
9/1988 – 5/1993
University of Tirana, Albania
Bachelor of Science in Electronic Engineering
Speciality: Applied Electronics
09/1984 – 06/1988
“Politeknikumi 17 Nentori”, Tirana, Albania
High School Diploma for electronics