An island nation that stretches in East Asia, Japan consists of four large islands and about 1000 small ones.
Japan is the constitutional monarchy with the Emperor as a symbol of state and unity of the nation and parliament as a form of government. The Japanese Constitution adopted in 1947 is based on three principles: the sovereignty of the people, respect for fundamental human rights, and pacifism. Governance is based on the principle of separation of powers, legislative, executive and judiciary. The National Legislative Assembly, Diet, is the highest governing body and the only legislative body.
Albania’s diplomatic relations with Japan were established for the first time in April 1922, with the recognition of the Albanian State by Japan. 2022 marked the 100th Anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries. Albania opened its Embassy in Tokyo in November 2005, followed by opening of the Embassy of Japan in Tirana in January 2017.
Relations between the two countries are very good and they have been growing in recent years in line with the mutual will to strengthen friendship and build as many bridges of communication and cooperation as possible. The relations are characterized by diplomatic, economic and political exchanges in many fields.
The two countries enjoy very good co-operation within international organizations, including the United Nations, having been served both at the same time for one year during Albania’s tenure as a non-permanent member of the Security Council 2022-2023.
There is a small number of Albanian diaspora living in Japan, consisting mainly in exchange students and university professors.
Trade exchange with Japan:
Exports to Japan: ¥153,000,000
Imports from Japan: ¥252,000,000
Economic cooperation with Japan:
Aid-Credit: ¥18,000,000,000
Grants: ¥4,000,000,000
Technical Cooperation: ¥1,600,000,000
Honorary Consulate in Chiba
Honorary Consul Ms. AOKI (SPECTOR)
Consular District: Kanto (excluding Tokyo)
Address: 3-3-10 Chishirodai Higashi, Wakaba-ku, Chiba, 264-0002, Japan
Contacts: Tel: 043-312-0288
Honorary Consulate in Fukuoka
Honorary Consul Prof. Hiroshi Maeda
Consular district: Kyushu-Okinawa
Office Address: Fukuoka Institute of Technology
3-30-1 Wajiro-Higashi, Higashi-ku, Fukuoka city, 811-0295, Japan.
Contacts: Tel: 092-606-4974