I have the honor to welcome you in this commemorative symposium “Fan Noli the contribution of a statesman to multilateralism”. This symposium is organized by Fan Noli Library and Vatra Boston and supported by the Mission of Albania to the UN and the Embassy of Albania in DC.
Fan Noli a multi-talented person, has been the most respected and influential Albanian of his time and un uncontentious reference in history as one of the greatest personalities of the Albanian Nation. Many studies have shed light on Noli’s life and activities, but still unveiling the multifaceted dimensions of Fan Noli requires many research and symposiums. One may ask why we have gathered here, at the UN building and why now.
100 years ago, exactly on September 10, 1924, Fan Noli delivered his famous speech at the League of Nations, the predecessor of the United Nations as we know it today. Few days later the New York Times wrote: PREMIER BISHOP FAN STYLIAN NOLI of Albania made the delegates to the Assembly of the League of Nations gasp when he delivered one of the most-talked-of, and certainly the most picturesque, speeches of the session.”
Today, as Albania represents itself as a valuable member of this organization, we have the privilege to honor in this building, Fan Noli as a prominent personality in the diplomatic activity of the Albanian state and his incomparable role in the admission of Albania, as an independent state, in the family of the nations, on December 17, 1920. Noli has qualified the admission to the League of Nations as the greatest success in his diplomatic career. This contribution makes Noli the founder of the multilateral diplomacy of the Albanian state.
During the two parts of this symposium, we will have the pleasure to follow many addresses and contributions on Noli’s role as a statemen and diplomat. I would like to express from the start, on behalf of the organizers, our gratitude for the valuable contributions each of you have prepared and thank everyone for the participation.
Before we start, I would like to kindly address you a simple but important request, please respect the time allocated to you, this is crucial in order we conclude the program within the time this room is put at our disposal by the UN.