Thank you Chair,
Albania fully aligns itself with the statements of the EU and FOSS.
At the very outset I would like to retake one element from those statement and reinforce it in our national capacity: in commending the co facilitators, Germany, and Namibia, for their remarkable work and their leadership until now as we have reached the third reading of Rev 1 and express our full support on the weeks ahead towards the successful finalisation of the Declaration.
As we expect to run the last miles, we need to acknowledge the progress made in the process with the presentation of an action-oriented text. However, negotiations have become challenging on several issues. We are at a critical juncture where any further progress is conditioned by trusting each other and acting together for the future of the UN, our people, and our planet. We are confident that we can overcame the obstacles that seems to be dividing us and deliver at the level of expectation for a hope-inspiring and ambitious path to the future.
With this spirit of compromise, I would like to mention a few elements, which in our view are of primary relevance.
Firstly, it is essential to clearly articulate the interconnectedness of the three pillars of the UN and strive for a fair balance among them. Emphasizing one pillar at the expense of the others should be avoided, as the UN is committed to fostering peace and security, promoting sustainable development, and safeguarding human rights. We support a more ambitious approach for our global commons.
Secondly, when it comes to the peace and security chapter, stronger language on Women, Peace, and Security (WPS) is needed, ensuring the full, equal, and meaningful participation of women in all UN peace processes.
Additionally, we support the inclusion of language on Youth, Peace, and Security (YPS). Clear language on Climate, Peace, and Security is also necessary, as climate change is a significant factor impacting international peace and stability.
An emphasis on prevention and the Peacebuilding Commission (PBC) is crucial, given the increasing number of crises. Investment in prevention and the development of national prevention strategies are key to addressing these challenges.
UN peacekeeping missions remain an important tool, and there is a need to highlight collective commitment and strengthen capacities to address new challenges such as disinformation.
To conclude, I would like to reiterate Albania’s full support for this process and our readiness to collaborate towards an ambitious outcome.
Thank you!