Honey Bee Tourism in Albania

May 20 is World Bee Day and it reminds us about the importance of preserving bees and other pollinators, their significant role in sustainable development and the future of humanity.

Albania is a country with a long beekeeping tradition. Apitourism is really a sweet approach to sustainability. It offers a new aspect to responsible travel while raising awareness on the importance of bees for the planet.

Support pollinators and beekeepers in Albania, buy local honey and bee products and be a bee tourist.

Walk the Sweet Routes

Postal Address

Embasy of Albania
SMDB Conjunto 04 Lote 03 Casa “D” Lago Sul
71680-040 Brasilia-DF, Brazil

Tel / Fax

Tel.+55 61 33 64 05 19
Nr. i emergjences: +55 61 99114 6568





Monday to Friday
09:00 - 17:00