Ambassador Meri Kumbe

Dr. Meri Kumbe was born in Tirana, Albania. Since August 2023 she holds the position of the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Albania in the State of Israel.
From February 2020 until July 2023, Ms. Kumbe has held the position of Deputy Minister of Culture of the Republic of Albania. During her mandate, Mrs. Kumbe has represented the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Albania in the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). She has also fostered cultural diplomacy with international counterparts and partners. Ms. Kumbe has led the Albanian Government’s initiative in the project “International Weeks of Cultures”, with the participation of 20 states, the European Union, the United States of America, and International Agencies such as the United Nations. She has contributed to various legislative processes and international agreements as well as to the establishment of the Jewish Museum of Vlora, Albania.
Throughout her career, Kumbe has played an active role in policymaking, in the protection of Albanian state interests, as a UNESCO expert in integration policies and the protection of cultural diversity. She has represented Albania in several international conferences, Summits, and European political meetings, scientific conferences, and has led the group of experts for the representation and listing of Albania in international lists such as Xhubleta, Transhumance, Tropoja dancing, etc. Prior to her political engagement, Ms. Kumbe was a Lecturer at the University of Arts in Tirana, a contribution she continues to make until today.
Meri Kumbe is fluent in English, Italian, and Greek and has basic knowledge of French Language. She is married and have a son.
Meri Kumbe completed her higher studies in Musicology at the Academy of Fine Arts in Tirana and, since 2018, holds the title of “Doctor of Sciences” from the National and Kapodistrian University, with a focus on the trinomial: politics – religion – culture. She is a recipient of the Excellence Fund of the Republic of Albania, as well as several other prestigious international scholarships. Due to her active role in politics, in 2022, Kumbe was selected as the first candidate in the “Distinguished Humphrey Fellowship Program”. She was also trained at the Kennedy School, Harvard University, in the program “Leadership for the 21st Century: Chaos, Conflict & Courage.”