Minister Bushati at a working breakfast with Commissioner Hahn
On November 10, 2017, Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs, Ditmir Bushati, had this morning a working breakfast with Commissioner for European Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations Johannes Hahn.
For Minister Bushati the Commissioner’s visit comes at a very important moment for Albania. After the recommendation of the European Commission to open membership negotiations linked to the progress in the implementation of the judicial reform and the process of the vetting in particular, Albania has already launched the Vetting process. The Minister informed the Commissioner about the concrete steps taken by the Albanian government to fulfill all the accession priorities and confirmed the determination for further progress. "These achievements constitute a solid basis for the opening of the accession talks between Albania and the European Union," Minister Bushati underlined.
Commissioner Hahn praised Albania's sustainable progress in implementing key priorities to open membership negotiations. He particularly congratulated the approval of the justice reform, while emphasizing the importance of progress in its implementation as a key element for the consolidation of the Rule of Law in Albania.
Hahn praised the alignment of Albania's foreign policy with the European Union's Foreign and Security Policy and its pro-active role in promoting regional cooperation and good neighborly relations.