Under the auspices of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Diaspora Sector, in cooperation with the International Organization for Migration (IOM) is implementing the project "Harnessing the positive impact of migration for the development of Albania", funded by the IOM Development Fund. The project aims at supporting the efforts of the Albanian government in the process of engaging Albanian communities abroad to contribute to the economic, social and political development of the country.
One of the most important outcomes of the project is to develop (draft) a political document and action plan in order to structure the engagement of Albanian communities abroad in the economic, social and political development of Albania. The document is believed to be oriented to the following topics:
Diaspora and youth engagement
Diaspora and culture / tourism
Diaspora role in increasing investment
Transfer of Diaspora skills
Student exchanges / University Network
Diaspora and innovation
Diaspora involvement in social, economic and political issues
The document is in the preliminary stage of its development, with input from all stakeholders. In view of drafting a document which would include the opinion of all relevant stakeholders, we invite You to contribute by providing some feedback and expressing your viewpoints on initiatives dealing with the commitment of Albanian communities abroad in the above-mentioned fields, as well as on other aspects which may be included in this important document, to the following e-mail address: diaspora@mfa.gov.al