Pëllumb Qazimi, born 1957, Albania. Married to Fatbardha Qazimi, having three children, two sons and one daughter.
1981-1996 graduated the military schoolsin Albania (Military Academy, Defence Academy, Defence College). 1992-2000 attended international military and humanitarian courses in Hungary, Turkey, Italy, Netherlands, USA, etc. 2000 graduated the Royal Military College, Cranfield University, UK, including MSc (2001).
1980-2000 several assignments in the Albanian Army. September 2000 – October 2006 (brigadier general, major general and lieutenant general) Chief of General Staff of the Albanian Armed Forces.
December 2006 Security Consultant and Chairman of Editing Board of Security Issues Journal - Institute for Democracy and Mediation, Tirana.
August 2007 Ambassador of Albania to Croatia and to Bosnia and Hercegovina (June 2008-June 2010, non-resident). 2014 Ambassador of Albania to Slovenia.
2002-2013 publications in Albanian and foreign magazines and contributions in seminars and conferences in Albania and abroad. 2007 co-author of the Study: “View from Albania - Study on the Assessment of Regional Security Threats in the Western Balkans”. 2012 Author of the book “Albania, the Military and the Foreign Influence, 1912-1991”, published in Zagreb, Croatia; Published also in Croatian in Zagreb, 2013 with the title “ALBANIJA – vojska i strani utjecaji 1912. – 1991.“ , and in Albanian in Tirana, 2013 with the title “Histori e Ushtrisë Shqiptare 1912-1991”.
July 2012 PhD, Philosophy Faculty, Zagreb University.
Foreign languages: English and Greek.