16 March 2023
I would like to thank you Mr. President and the Mozambique presidency for including this item in our discussions, and thank ASG Zouev and Mr. Adeoye for their presentations.
In our view, the security sector represents a comprehensive process to enhance the provision of security by making it more effective, transparent, accountable, inclusive, and consistent with principles of human rights, the rule of law, and good governance.
In various countries, effective security sector reform has often played a vital role in the political process, national reconciliation, transitional justice, stabilization and reconstruction, and it has been key for the consolidation of peace and stability in post conflict settings.
We have seen many times that effective SSR strengthens institutions and leads to increased transparency and accountability, just like we have witnessed that corruption and insufficient political will undermine efforts for reforms.
The outside assistance, including the UN, has its part to play and has proved to be an important role in promoting security sector governance and reform. Yet, it is the national and local-level ownership that remain key. Local governments, civil society, and non-governmental organizations provide critical contributions to both initial reforms and to successful long-term governance. Regional organizations or bilateral frameworks can only be successful as value added to dedicated and genuine efforts at national level.
Mr. President,
Peacekeeping operations can play an important role in assisting country authorities to develop inclusive national strategies and priorities for SSR. Peacekeeping operations operate in very complex environments, and it is undeniable that their role are often misunderstood and they are expected to perform beyond their mandate.
To be able to fulfill their mandate and contribute to SSR, these missions need to be provided with sufficient, predictable, and sustainable funding and improve their communication and public outreach.
The United Nations has a key role to play in supporting Member States to develop a robust, credible, and effective security sector, including through its peacekeeping operations and political missions.
We also commend the important efforts that regional and sub-regional organizations make to support and guide the country-led efforts in this respect.
We believe that promoting the full, equal and effective participation of women in the security sector contributes to the establishment of inclusive, accountable and legitimate institutions.
We encourage States to develop security sector reform strategies and programs that systematically take gender issues into account.
Mainstreaming a gender perspective in the justice and security sectors is the right and smart thing to do. We have done so in Albania and have seen clear benefits.
Another key element to deliver effective security to citizens is the strengthening of the rule of law at all levels. Justice and accountability are fundamental elements of security sector governance and reform. An effective and fair justice system means better respect for human rights, it means greater accountability.
Let me conclude by highlighting that experience has proved, without any doubt, that societies that are rooted in freedoms give people more power, choices and rights, leading to better governance and progress, allowing society to become more prosperous, educated, healthy and happy.
Thank you.