UN since its creation paid special attention to the cases of defence and progress of every individual’s human rights worldwide. The creation of the Commission on Human Rights proves the first attempt in this direction, which was established by the UN Charter to ensure the protection of human rights in every country of the world.
Even though the Commission did not meet the expectations of UN member states regarding its mandate and at the beginning of the 21st century it became clear that it lacked credibility and capacity to act. In an effort to regain the reputation of the UN in the human rights field, the UN General Assembly’s resolution 60/251 was adopted to replace the Commission with the Council of Human Rights (HRC). The Council was created in March 2006 and began its work in June 2006, becoming thus a very important body within the United Nations to address issues of human rights.
HRC is an intergovernmental body of the UN, 47 members of which are responsible for the promotion and protection of human rights anywhere in the world regardless of their nationality, place of residence, gender, color, religion, language , or any other status , and are resolved according to 5 regional groupings :
Region |
The African Group |
The Asian Group |
The East Europe Group |
The Latin & Caribbean Group |
The Group of West Europe & others |
Number of places in the council |
13 |
13 |
6 |
8 |
7 |
Each year the HRC membership is renewed by its one third. The candidate country is evaluated as a qualified candidate for these elections based on assessments and perceptions regarding “countries' situation and protection of human rights within the country and the promotion of human rights in this country in the UN”. Elected members serve for three years and are eligible for only one consecutive reelection. The Council meets at least for three regular annual sessions (at least 10 weeks a year) and at the request of one third of its members, has the ability to meet in an extraordinary session. The Candidate State in order to be elected as a member of the HRC must receive the votes of an absolute majority in the General Assembly, 97 from 193 countries.
The basic principles for the work of HRC are determined by means of resolution 5/1 adopted on 18th of June 2007 and include the addition of new provisions and review existing ones such as the Universal Periodic Review (UPR), Special Procedures, the Advisory Committee Human Rights and Complaints Procedure. The new mechanism of Universal Periodic Review serves for periodic evaluation based on the fulfillment of the obligations that all countries have in terms of respecting and guaranteeing human rights. UPR ensures that all countries, including members of the Council, are subject of review of the human rights situation in their countries.
In October 2009, Albania officially declared its candidacy for membership in the HRC for the period 2015-2017. In the elections which took place in the UN General Assembly in New York on October 21st, 2014, Albania was elected for the first time a member of the HRC, with 176 votes. During 2015, Albania was elected a member of the HRC Bureau and vice-president of HRC, as a representative of the Eastern European group.
The membership in the Council of Human Rights implies for Albania the recognition of the long road that our country has taken towards the realization of the principles of freedom, human rights and democracy, and serves as a strong incentive to continue with determination the road to building a democratic and open society.
The Albanian election in HRC represents both a tribute and a guarantee of its permanent commitment to issues of human rights on all fronts. Albania has much to offer to the world through the values that characterize it, as religious harmony, commitment to good neighborliness, tolerance and hospitality, as well as through the experience acquired during the comprehensive reformation that the country has experienced.
MFA coordinated the pre-electoral campaign in the HRC, which was successfully finalized on 21st October 2014. A functional part of this campaign was also the creation of a logo dedicated to the membership in the HRC.
The Republic of Albania, now a member of HRC for the period 2015-2017, remains committed to the universal promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedom, and it supports the integration of the human rights dimension into all the policies of United Nations. During its membership in the HRC, the priority will be the following columns:
The fight against extremist violence phenomena & the Promotion of tolerance and peaceful coexistence between communities.
Albania, given its geographical location, cultural heritage and exemplary tolerance that prevail among the main features of its society, has consistently been a promoter of dialogue, respect and supporter of harmonious coexistence between different religions, cultures and civilizations. Albania will be in the forefront of the efforts to promote dialogue and understanding between cultures and civilizations, with a view to using this tool in the promotion and protection of human rights worldwide.
The Death penalty: Albania is convinced that the abolition of the death penalty would contribute to the process of pacification and tolerance in the world. Albania has been very active and vocal in terms of the discussions in the General Assembly regarding the topic and calls on all countries that still have such a national approach, to adopt a moratorium to suspend the executions as a first step to the realization of The final goal for the total prohibition of the death penalty.
Children's rights: Albania is committed to the promotion and protection of children's rights in accordance with the international commitments. In the design and implementation of the legal - institutional framework and children’s rights policies, Albanian institutions led by the principle of best interest for the children and the creation of an enabling environment for their upbringing, protection from discrimination, protection from violence, forms Various abuse.
Gender Equality: The Commitment in gender inequality reduction is reflected in a proactive role for the involvement of women in the development of their society. A special place is reserved for them to be heard in field projects and meetings of regional and international forums.
Anti - Discrimination: Albania will continue to emphasize the importance of the promotion and implementation in practice of the principles of universality and non-discrimination, stressing that human rights are universal and apply equally to all human beings, regardless of ethnicity, race, sexual orientation etc.
Large steps have been made already in Albania in the field of minority education and the development of their rights in the political, economic, social, cultural and religious spheres. Respect for and promotion of the rights of individuals belonging to minorities will remain a priority of domestic and external policy for the Albanian Government.
Other objectives of RA during HRC membership
On the international level:
Strengthening the mandate of OHCHR, Albania strongly supports the efforts to strengthen the Office of the High Commissioner of the United Nations for Human Rights and already works closely with the Special Procedures of the Council of Human Rights. Albania will support any initiative that aims strengthening the independence of the mandate of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, as a prerequisite to exercise properly and effectively its functions.
Support for the universality of the UPR: The Republic of Albania strongly supports the Universal Periodic Review Mechanism (UPR), and appreciates its creation as an important achievement and innovation system reform process of the human rights of the UN. Albania believes that the UPR serves as a universal instrument valid for all countries, in order to promote dialogue on issues of human rights at the national level, as well as generate tracking of the UPR process will provide countries significant policy progress in development and implementation at the national practices in this field.
Promoting new democracies: Albania believes that representation of new democracies and small states is itself an added value to the work of the Council. But beyond that, because of its unique history and high sensitivity to human rights, Albania will be committed to providing a unique national perspective to discussions and defense (advocacy) of Human Rights throughout the world.
The promotion of good neighborly relations and the peaceful settlement of disputes: Albania will continue to apply the same course in its foreign policy, playing an active role in the region, in promoting good neighborly relations and the peaceful settlement of disputes, in order to guarantee a safe environment for the respect, protection and promotion of human rights.
At the national level:
A major objective will be the integration of human rights in Development Agenda after 2015. During the past two decades of democracy, Albania has gained a wide experience in the promotion and respect of human rights. Albania will be committed to the full enjoyment of human rights by all strata of society, and in particular vulnerable groups.
Albania has the objective of strengthening the efforts in gender equality promotion and the rights of marginalized groups, including children, people with disabilities, and the elderly, in order to ensure their active participation in society.