Tirana, on September 28th, 2016
Dear Mr. President,
I was depply saddened by the passing away of Shimon Peres, the 9th President of Israel, and through You, I would like to convey to the familly members of the late and loved ones, and also to the Israeli people and government, most heartfelt and sincere condolences.
President Peres dedicated most of his long life to politics and his passing away is not only a deep loss for his family and the Israeli people, but also for the peace process in the Middle East, which he enriched so far with rational and concrete ideas and resolutions. The World lost a visionary leader.
I assure you that, on this sadness day for the family of the late and the Israeli people, I stand and pray alongside them for President Peres to rest in peace.
Bujar Nishani